Gulenko said that quaternions have interactions. He worked on interquaternionic relationships. These provide a better understanding of relationships.

Let's suppose there are 8 dual pairs :

1+ Alpha Process
2+ Beta Process
3+ Gamma Process
4+ Delta Process

1- Alpha Result
2- Beta Result
3- Gamma Result
4- Delta Result

There should be 8 Interdyad Relationships.

A. Same quadra relationships

1. Identity

You know what that means, these superrelationships contain Duality and Identity.

2. Activation

1+ 1-
2+ 2-
3+ 3-
4+ 4-

They form the well-known Quadra groups.

B. Opposite quadra relationships

3. Contrary

1+ 3+
1- 3-
2+ 4+
2- 4-

Contains Super-Ego and Contrary.
Form the Groups of Blocking (not sure)

4. Conflict

1+ 3-
1- 3+
2+ 4-
2- 4+

Contains Quasi-Identical and Conflict.
Form the Groups of Mobilisation

C. Adjacent-Quadra Relationships


1+ 2-
1+ 4-
3+ 2-
3+ 4-
1- 2+
1- 4+
3- 2+
3- 4+

Some contains Semi-Duality and Comparative (Comparative could be called Semi-Identity IMO).
Some contains Illusionary and Look-a-like.

Form Squares and Business Squares.

6. Rings of Progress are :

1+ => 2+ => 3+ => 4+ => 1+

4- => 3- => 2- => 1- => 4-

If Beta-Gamma or Alpha-Delta, forms the Gulenko's groups of Social Progress.