SP = Static Potential/Conservative Viewpoint
SK = Static Kinetic/Republican-Traditionalist Viewpoint
DK = Dynamic Kinetic/Social Progressive-Nationalistic Viewpoint
DP = Dynamic Potential/Liberal-Progressive Viewpoint
Introverted Intuition (Sequential Intuition)
SP - depth of perception
SK - cycles
DK - evolutionary progression
DP - breadth of considerations
Extroverted Intuition (Instance Intuition)
SP - few instances, high detail
SK - limited opportunity ranges
DK - adaptation opportunity
DP - many instances, low detail
Extroverted Sensation (Force Sensation)
SP - magnitude of forces
SK - static/restraining forces
DK - changing/adapting forces
DP - quantity of forces
Introverted Sensation (Interrelational Sensation)
SP - somatic interrelations
SK - continuous interrelations
DK - spontaneous interrelations
DP - group interrelations
Extroverted Thinking (Relational Communication and Exchange)
SP - physical exchanges
SK - static exchanges
DK - changing exchanges
DP - information exchanges
Introverted Thinking (Structure)
SP - structural depth
SK - persistent structure
DK - changing structure
DP - structural breadth
Introverted Feeling (Emotion)
SP - depth of feeling
SK - enduring feeling
DK - changing feeling
DP - plural feeling
Extroverted Feeling (Experience)
SP - depth experience
SE - experience of stability
DK - experience of change
DP - plural experience