I recently had an argument with my LSI roommate. I need to get out, fast, but here is how it went:
Him: I don't understand you.
Me (cooly): That isn't required.
Him (angrily): Every time she comes over here, you do something like this.
Me (still cooly): That's why we're leaving.
Him (getting louder): (pause, slightly taken aback) Yea, you get the hell out of here!.
Me (calmly to the girl): Let's go
Him: *now yelling, but I wasn't really listening. He was really angry though.*
What the argument/fight was about is irrelevant because he has anger problems. We've had arguments before and he gets really angry and starts yelling, but I don't like getting angry or yelling, so I stay very neutral and talk very calmly to him, but this only makes him more angry. This fits in with the quadra description of betas hating emotional indifference--the less I reacted, the more visibly angry he became. Nothing against betas, of course--I've known some very cool ones. This one just has some serious anger problems.