Type my boss. We call him Birdman because his surname just happens to be a species of birds.

The man's a mystery. He barely says hi to anyone and if he does it's barely audible. Often wears the same bland, inconspicuous clothes like he's trying to fade in the woodworks or something. Doesn't know how to crack a smile. He sometimes makes jokes that only he laughs at (in his own deadpan way). He's reserved but not necessarily shy. Is a civil engineer. Comes to work very early in the morning. He's not a very demanding or intruding boss. In fact, he spends most of his time locked up in his office. Doesn't exhude the extraverted qualities of a leader. He doesn't show a wide range of emotions. He seems to be a very subdued man. It's very hard to get a rise out of him. But when he does get mad, it's quite a spectacle. He starts flailing his arms over his head like it's the first time he's ever used them and doesn't know what to do with them. If management replaced him with a robot, nobody would notice a difference. I get along with him though. He doesn't participate in vain social niceties although, he always remains polite and expects to be respected by his employees. He doesn't hate or like anyone. If he does, he sure knows how to hide his feelings. He tries to plan everything early so that he won't have to deal with the unexpected; doesn't know how to cope with abrupt changes. In these cases, he tends to panic. I suspect he doesn't trust his employees. He often seems to be scanning when they speak. It's like he's trying to find out whether or not they're lying or trying to manipulate him. Easily falls for younger women though. They could lie to him all day long he'd never know!