He teaches at Wayne State University here in Detroit, and was my advisor for a physics essay. Designed a detector for the particle collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Also won a teaching award.
He teaches at Wayne State University here in Detroit, and was my advisor for a physics essay. Designed a detector for the particle collider at Brookhaven National Laboratory. Also won a teaching award.
I think it has to be ENTx, either being plausible, but ENTj somewhat more likely. I attended one of his classes, he's very animated. He gets along well with both my mother (ISTj) and brother (INTp), though he only met my brother briefly. We get along fine. He also seemed to find my interest in the philosophy of science foreign, that could point to Gamma > Alpha.
I might see him at my graduation party, if I do I'll try to figure it out then.
I'd have said ENTp, but I guess Ni-ENTj could work.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
I thought ENTp too. The candid shots of him makes it seem that that smile is his default expression, I picture ENTjs as having a more neutral default expression. Also there's just a certain childlike aura he gives off that I think is way more alpha than gamma.
Then again what do I know?
you may not realize it but this is incredibly valid and strong analysis, to the extent that VI can be analyzed at all.Originally Posted by Bionicgoat
Yes and that's more or less what I thought, too.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
That's interesting, but I think this has more to do with extroverted NTs in general not being so interested in philosophy as a subject, not really anything to do with Gamma or Alpha. There are many notable INTj and INTp philosophers, but I can't recall any ILE or LIE ones.Originally Posted by thehotelambush
I agree though, VI does fit ENTp.
Suggestive Function
Regular Double-shot Espresso Subtype
Just because I'm a thinking type doesn't mean I'm not an idiot.
ENTj 100 percent
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
feyerabend! khun!Originally Posted by Quirk Satellite Div.
bionicgoat: entj physical description says salesmanlike smile et all...the entps i know are more detached.looking and richard feynman is typed as ENTj aswell
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
What have they been typed as? Now thinking about it, I can recall some ENTp's that have had great interest in philosophy. This might have to do with ENTj's not having much interest in really focusing on it as a discrete subject. I think LIE's and philosophy have been discussed before somewhere else on this board.Originally Posted by FDG
I was wondering about that myself, and how valid that characteristic is for most ENTj's. However, the smile this physicist has does not seem like the stiff, almost neutral, salesman-like smile that I have seen from people that have been identified as ENTj's on this forum and socionics.us. The smile seems very similar to the smiles that other people who have been identified as ENTp's.Originally Posted by FDG
Suggestive Function
Regular Double-shot Espresso Subtype
Just because I'm a thinking type doesn't mean I'm not an idiot.
I actually thought IEE at first.
The first photo reminds me of
That did occur to me.Originally Posted by Quirk Satellite Div.
! Good one.Originally Posted by eunice
Interesting. That could explain some things. I talked to my mother, and it seems she knows him a lot less than I thought she did.Originally Posted by GillySaysGoodbye
He does more with lobbying Congress than most physicists do, so that could point to ENFp. At least ENxx is certain.