Last edited by tereg; 05-07-2010 at 09:07 PM. Reason: Edited by user request
you're so into that game... lol it's cute
My first impression was LSE. Why did the newspaper publish so many pics of your mum?
oh that's not you hehOriginally Posted by Diana
well I can see the resemblance
She looks like good people, she does. Although if those looks are what she's like a lot of the time, she'd scare me a little. ESTj works.
"How could we forget those ancient myths that stand at the beginning of all races, the myths about dragons that at the last moment are transformed into princesses? Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses who are only waiting to see us act, just once, with beauty and courage. Perhaps everything that frightens us is, in its deepest essence, something helpless that wants our love."
-- Rainer Maria Rilke, Letters to a Young Poet
She looks sorta like Hilary Swank.
I initially thought that the person behind the camera was your dad.Originally Posted by Diana
lol okay
The newspaper pics look very much like a friend I had in highschool. I've never thought about her type, but ESTj would make sense. She is an extrovert for sure in any case.
not enough weight (joking)
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
Those pictures seem so... 'all American'.
Edit: She looks LSE to me too.
Not sure about LSE. She does seem to be some sort of Gamma/Delta extrovert.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
yes i could see estj...my mom is one and at least one of her pix reminds me of my mom.
my mom is really photogenic, too - so's yours.
extraverted sensory type seems definite.
i'm surprised you haven't typed her?
those pix are so 70's too.
those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often
No matter what you say, tacking this onto the end of a "joke" will strip away any semblence of humor that you manage to inject into a post. Every time.Originally Posted by FDG
There's your NiFe for the day, Fabie
Looks Se-dominant to me.