Can someone help me find my type? I've read a little bit on socionics and looked through some of the posts on here, but it's hard for me let go of the Myers-Briggs stuff I learned in psych class, so I'm not really sure where I fit in the socionics model.
About me:
- I always come out INTJ on MBTI, but I think the J might just be how the questions are phrased.
- I love creative stuff (art, writing, and so on), but I'm more confident in my math/science abilities.
- I got a BS in engineering & management (the mgmt part was because I thought straight engineering would be too boring), then got an MBA because I didn't want to leave school, then started a PhD in environmental engineering. I quit the doctoral program after a year and a half - for a variety of reasons, but mainly because it was too much work that just wasn't interesting to me.
- I'm very lazy, but I manage to get away with it pretty well because 1) I'm smart, 2) people like me (for some reason), and 3) I care enough about success and what people think that I'm occasionally prodded by fear into being productive.
- I am a software designer at an insurance company - but I'm not really qualified for the job. I started as a technical writer, and they've just kept me around. I learn as I do.
- I'm a student in a theatre program. My acting instructor's take on my acting style is "believable but boring" - basically, I can't be demonstratively emotional.
- I tend to be fairly unemotional in general - I have been called "heartless" (jokingly, I think) by close friends and family.
- I have lots of interests that wax and wane, and when I'm interested in something, that's all I want to think about. I end up with lots of unfinished projects because eventually the passion dies or I get interested in something else.
- I like people (generally), but I have no idea how to start a conversation, so in groups I play solitaire or something until someone decides to talk to me. I tend to be a bit arrogant, but I sometimes play the helpless damsel in distress if it'll help me get what I want (with the least amount of effort).
Um, anyway, thoughts?