I used to think she was an Uber-Mom, but she's way different now. (Uber-Mom is the opposite of Slacker Mom btw - Uber Moms have to do everything exactly right for their kids and get them into lots of activities and feed them all perfect foods and dress them in perfect clothing, etc.)
OK so here is what I know of her:
- * Husband is ENFj (quite sure)
* Has an ENTp friend (pretty sure of her type)
* Says she yells at her kids a lot but I've never heard her do it. I have heard her be stern with them and get frustrated but not yell. So if she's doing it, it isn't in front of me.
* Likes to drink and tell raunchy jokes
* Is generally quite pleasant to be around - we don't have a lot of friction, but we don't spend a great deal of time together either
* Likes to entertain. When she first moved into our neighborhood, she was doing a lot of fairly formal entertaining, but now she likes the drop-in relaxed kind of entertaining more. At least she does it more often. She likes to do both kinds, though, I think.
* Is a stay-at-home mom and is kind of like me in that she has no aspirations to return to work. Or aspirations of any kind. She talks about volunteering at her kids' school too. (I've thought about doing that - that's why I say "too".)
* I don't think my husband (ISTp) likes her much
* Seems to have an idea of what is proper and not - like if people don't do things properly she seems unhappy. Like social expectations kind of things.
* Takes a little while to warm up to people. Is quiet until you get to know her well. Which is why I had a different impression of her before. She was on "best behavior" and was very reserved, and I was a bit intimidated by her at that point.
* Always complains that she has to tidy up before her husband gets home or he'll get upset. Again, when I first met her, her house was always IMMACULATE. Plus it's really decorated beautifully. But, she's gotten comfortable with me and no longer worries about that. Her house isn't dirty or anything - I don't want to give a bad impression of her. But it's more lived-in now.
I think she's another on my list of INFp friends.