If there are 8 levels, they could be dichotomised like this :
These are more evident :
1234/5678 - Extrinsic / Intrinsic (I don't think vMemes are in groups of 6)
1357/2468 - Individualistic / Collectivistic
And these more hypothetical : (sorted in order of confidence)
1256/3478 - Parts-Oriented / Whole-Oriented
1458/2367 - Object-Oriented / Subject-Oriented
1278/3456 - Chaotic / Ordered
1368/2457 - Non-Dogmatic / Dogmatic
1467/2358 - ???????
There is a law of logicalness : if CORAL (level-9) exists, there should be at least 16 levels. If it doesn't, levels should be 8. There are other laws of logicalness like this.
I like logical things, you know...