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Thread: Condensed type profiles

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    Default Condensed type profiles

    ENTp (The Inventor)
    ENTps do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. ENTps pay little or no respect to their past achievements. The main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. ENTps work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. The other main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. If ENTps are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment.

    ISFp (The Peacemaker)
    ISFps have a well-developed aesthetic taste. When interacting with others ISFps try to maintain a closeness. ISFps do not usually try to push friendships. ISFps find it fairly difficult to interact with people that they dislike, even if it goes against their interests. ISFps enjoy gathering and sharing interacting facts and news. ISFps do not like to make promises. ISFps behaviour can be so independent and original that they may confuse and bewilder other people. Because of this people can consider ISFps to be light-minded. ISFps try to maintain peaceful relations with everybody.

    ESFj (The Enthusiast)
    ESFjs have got very characteristic movements. ESFjs take very good care of their appearance. When choosing clothes ESFjs always rely on their own taste. ESFjs like to talk about people they know. From friends ESFjs demand unselfishness. ESFjs do many things motivated by pure enthusiasm, but they always show practicality and a sharp-wit in business matters. ESFjs work on the philosophy that guests should first be fed and then entertained. When someone helps ESFjs with home matters they appreciate it very much.

    INTj (The Analyst)
    INTjs behave in a very self-restrained manner with strangers, never showing initiative first and always maintaining a long psychological distance. INTjs sustain conversations only if they find them interesting. INTjs are very reserved and usually do not take the initiative in talking about their interests and private life. INTjs have a very characteristic tendency to independence and can only accept a whole freedom. INTjs are not very demanding. In everyday matters INTjs are modest and are happy to have a minimum degree of comfort. INTjs live in a world of their own conception.

    ENFj (The Actor)
    ENFjs enjoy the company of people who give off plenty of positive emotions. Sometimes, however, ENFjs can unexpectedly explode attracting unwanted attention to themselves. ENFjs always warn others about impending trouble. ENFjs know well how to combine humour with tragedy. ENFjs are inclined to trust only official published information. ENFjs respect hierarchy and relate to people accordingly. ENFjs also have tendency to behave aristocratically. ENFjs do not like to work if someone is there, observing them. ENFjs strongly believe that human potential is unlimited.

    ISTj (The Pragmatist)
    ISTjs walk with their hands down by their sides. ISTjs are very realistic people. ISTjs like posters, placards, bills and the other printed propaganda. As children ISTjs are very often obedient, docile, responsible and respectful. ISTjs adapt well to positions of power and are very dutiful. ISTjs like to collect reference material, encyclopaedias and dictionaries. ISTjs can become very irritated and angry if somebody changes or interrupts this specific order or treats their possessions improperly. ISTjs are unconfident in relationships.

    ESTp (The Conqueror)
    ESTps rarely wear eye-catching clothes. Females prefer not to wear very bright or colourful clothing. ESTps generally prefer to remain in the shadows. When in conversation, ESTps always show self-restraint and tact. ESTps are very slow to anger. ESTps have cast-iron self-control and nearly always achieve their goals. ESTps do not care much how people achieve results. ESTps are very tactically minded and know how to adapt to changing situations very quickly. ESTps are hard working and extremely persevering people. ESTps are inclined to give ultimatums.

    INFp (The Romantic)
    INFps show interest in a varied range of the unusual and original. INFps enjoy interesting or humorous anecdotes and stories. INFps are inclined to make empty promises, always finding excuses to justify their lack of responsibility. INFps have the ability to positively console people who are upset or worried by helping them to look to the future with optimism. With strangers INFps behave gallantly and tactfully, showing good manners and education. INFps are usually uneconomical in financial matters. INFps more than any other type are inclined to marry because of wealth instead of love.

    ESFp (The Ambassador)
    ESFps usually wear original, brightly coloured, eye-catching clothes and accessories in order to attract attention to themselves. When interacting with others, ESFps openly demonstrate their real feelings towards others. In company ESFps like to provoke positive emotions in others. ESFps are normally very talkative and sociable. ESFps know well how to manipulate people's feelings. ESFps have an ability to transfer their mood to others, especially at home. ESFps often have a wide circle of acquaintances. ESFps are very realistic people. In day to day matters ESFps can be forgetful and careless.

    INTp (The Observer)
    INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. INTps are very sceptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. Usually INTps are very economical. INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail.

    ENTj (The Pioneer)
    ENTjs like to joke and play tricks on others. ENTjs have tendency to lace their jokes with sarcasm and irony. ENTjs talk a lot, and with their ability to create double meaning humour, they are not rare among comedians. ENTjs find it very easy to start conversations with anybody, anywhere. ENTjs are quite responsible people and like to be in command. ENTjs are very optimistic and they love life. ENTjs like travel and adventure, especially where love is concerned. They also pay great attention to their physiques.

    ISFj (The Guardian)
    Where the reviewing of any new project is concerned ISFjs are critical, actively seeking out major defects. They try to analyse the situation logically, objectively and with emotions detachment. ISFjs have a very well developed sense of duty. ISFjs notice people who do not obey ethical norms. When among friends ISFjs always give their ethical evaluations of other peoples actions. ISFjs enjoy to play jokes on people by telling them something seemingly serious with a straight face. ISFjs do not cope well in indefinite situations. ISFjs like orderliness and cleanliness at home.

    ESTj (The Director)
    In general ESTjs are very careful and cautious with their clothes. ESTjs do not like familiarity. ESTjs like to ask questions and find out facts. ESTjs will never admit that they were not right. ESTjs act for the sake of stability. In anger ESTjs may shout, throw or break things, often recalling their victims past failures. ESTjs have a tremendous ability to work. ESTjs cannot stay without work for long. ESTjs often display the qualities of a good organiser. ESTjs do not stand for lies forgery and fraud.

    INFj (The Empath)
    Normally INFjs do not show initiative when making contact for the first time. INFjs are always ready to help friends in difficult life situations. INFjs do not really make good cheats or frauds. This gives INFjs a reputation as naive and impractical people. INFjs are very conscientious in their work. INFjs demand cleanliness and order. At home they tend to keep everything tidy, carefully storing their belonging, especially females INFjs. INFjs know how to establish peace between conflicting sides. INFjs often cannot stand violence, conflict and graphic depiction of injuries.

    ENFp (The Reporter)
    ENFps choice of clothes and accessories are quite characteristic especially in women. Generally ENFps are very emotional and spontaneous during interactions. ENFps are quite comfortable to talk to and are talented interlocutors. ENFps pay the least attention possible to details. This peculiarity enables ENFps to swallow lots of information without chewing it. ENFps are quick to mobilise themselves in extreme situations. ENFps are very sociable types and are driven towards the easy life. ENFps also strive for adventure, improvisation and unplanned actions.

    ISTp (The Artisan)
    Debates with ISTps can go on forever. Even if ISTps seem to agree with you, their opinion is unlikely to alter. ISTps have difficulty in controlling their emotions. ISTps also like consonant sounds, which can make their speech slightly rough and resonant. When outside their territory, ISTps may openly ignore people that they have met before. ISTps demand complete independence. ISTps value their friends and friendships very much. ISTps actively seek excitement and thrive on the rush of adrenaline.

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    Hmm... you might want to add the line ", although they might not always notice anything disorderly or dirty, and might have a strange definition of "clean" and "orderly, even when they do." after the seventh sentence in the INFj profile.
    Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.

    INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
    Dishonorary INFp

    (Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)

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    Basically, I just want to know if it helps one correctly determine their type. But thanks any way.

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    But, aren't these just condensed version of the descriptions?

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    Yes. It is a computer generated summary of each description.

    I created it so that people can get a snapshot of each type.

    Hopefully this will help people to correctly determine their type.

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    INTp (The Observer)

    INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. INTps are very sceptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. Usually INTps are very economical. INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail.

    I must know a weird batch of INTP's. The two I know personally are not the least bit interestest in any business type matters whatsoever . . . can't even keep a check book, but then these two have had everything handed to them and never had to have any accountability for anything. As far as being economial . . . how 'bout just plain cheap? Not really, they just don't seem to think much about money. It doesn't figure in their lifestyle other than having enough to survive provide simple necessities like eating and keeping warm and dry. I wouldn't classify that as economical. It's not like they can budget or anything . . . they don't have to with their mindset.
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    I must know a weird batch of INTP's.
    Perhaps they're MBTI INTPs? That's what it sounds like...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baby
    Quote Originally Posted by Artemis
    I must know a weird batch of INTP's.
    Perhaps they're MBTI INTPs? That's what it sounds like...
    Yes, I think so.

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    "INFps have the ability to positively console people who are upset or worried by helping them to look to the future with optimism."

    I do this and do it well with friends, but would rather bite my tongue off. With family I just tell them to get over it.
    <--- Me pouring out all my love on you!

    Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.

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    ENTp (The Inventor)
    ENTps do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. ENTps pay little or no respect to their past achievements. The main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. ENTps work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. The other main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. If ENTps are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment.

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    Everything found in the ENTp description fits me to a tee ...

  13. #13
    MysticSonic's Avatar
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    INTj (The Analyst)
    INTjs behave in a very self-restrained manner with strangers, never showing initiative first and always maintaining a long psychological distance. INTjs sustain conversations only if they find them interesting. INTjs are very reserved and usually do not take the initiative in talking about their interests and private life. INTjs have a very characteristic tendency to independence and can only accept a whole freedom. INTjs are not very demanding. In everyday matters INTjs are modest and are happy to have a minimum degree of comfort. INTjs live in a world of their own conception.

    The highlighted part is the part that sounds like me.
    "To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"

    "Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."

  14. #14
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    ENTp (The Inventor)
    ENTps do not know how to keep the right psychological distance with people. ENTps pay little or no respect to their past achievements. The main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is an incredible absent-mindedness. ENTps work place and personal belongings are often kept in disarray. The other main peculiarity of ENTps behaviour is the ability to mobilise in extreme conditions. If ENTps are not interested in a particular job, they try to leave it until the last moment.
    It's all very true about me. Okay, the reason for the disarray is efficiency... really! I have organized piles, and when I clean I end up spending a long time looking for things... plus if I can't see something I may forget about it. This is the thing that drives me crazy about myself (on a positive note I've been doing a lot better about making it to places on time! ).

    INTj (The Analyst)
    INTjs behave in a very self-restrained manner with strangers, never showing initiative first and always maintaining a long psychological distance. INTjs sustain conversations only if they find them interesting. INTjs are very reserved and usually do not take the initiative in talking about their interests and private life. INTjs have a very characteristic tendency to independence and can only accept a whole freedom. INTjs are not very demanding. In everyday matters INTjs are modest and are happy to have a minimum degree of comfort. INTjs live in a world of their own conception.
    This is Josh.

    Check out my Socionics group!

  15. #15
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    As an IxTx type, I must say I identified with everything in the INTj description, but only about a third of ISTj and INTp did, and none of ISTp.


  16. #16


    INTp (The Observer)
    INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behavior-allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. INTps are very skeptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. Usually INTps are very economical. INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail.

    Umm.. I fixed the spelling for Chrits sake.

  17. #17
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    INTp (The Observer)
    INTps with more developed aesthetic taste are neat and tidy. When INTps speak publicly they habitually adopt a slow, monotone speech pattern. Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves. INTps are very sceptical to others who are undertaking new beginnings. INTps are often active in business and commercial matters. Usually INTps are very economical. INTps usually work slowly, paying a lot of attention to detail.

    There is no reason for me to be "neat and tidy", and I'm too young and interested in other things to be into business (although Earl presented me with a tempting proposal).

    Sorry, but in order for this test to work for anybody, one must be self-aware past the levels of the common man. This means that you must have been into Socionics for quite some time.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

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    The things you have put in bold doesn't appear to me to indicate that one needs a knowledge of Socionics. If you disagree please let me know.



    PS This isn't meant to be a test ... just a computer generated summary to help people identify their own type.

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    By the way,

    I find the following interesting about INTp's

    Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves.

    Would you be able to help be understand how an INTp does this.

  20. #20
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    I do it as an ENTp. I just have a tendency to pick up patterns in behavior, tone, body language, choice of words, etc. that allow me to have an idea of what might be coming next. It's all about patterns and cause and effect relationships. It's not something I try to do BTW, it just happens. When I try to do it I can mislead myself. Objectivity is crucial!!!

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Oh, and having a basic feel for people's motivations is important, too.

    Check out my Socionics group!

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    Default seems to be a blindspot for me. Is this the same for other INTjs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MysticSonic
    INTj (The Analyst)
    INTjs behave in a very self-restrained manner with strangers, never showing initiative first and always maintaining a long psychological distance. INTjs sustain conversations only if they find them interesting. INTjs are very reserved and usually do not take the initiative in talking about their interests and private life. INTjs have a very characteristic tendency to independence and can only accept a whole freedom. INTjs are not very demanding. In everyday matters INTjs are modest and are happy to have a minimum degree of comfort. INTjs live in a world of their own conception.

    The highlighted part is the part that sounds like me.
    LOL Me too!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo seems to be a blindspot for me. Is this the same for other INTjs.
    By that did you mean : Oh, and having a basic feel for people's motivations is important, too. ???

    Not a problem for me! Comes from being paraniod! At least for me.

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    The things you have put in bold doesn't appear to me to indicate that one needs a knowledge of Socionics. If you disagree please let me know.



    PS This isn't meant to be a test ... just a computer generated summary to help people identify their own type.
    Notice how alot of people didn't highlight everything (including me). For these descriptions to work, everyone must agree on highlighting the same things. Since this is not the case, one can surmise that either the descriptions are wrong or the people reading them aren't as self-aware as they need to be. Both answers are definite possibilities.

    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    By the way,

    I find the following interesting about INTp's

    Through observation and their own experiences INTps can create a precise model of others behaviour allowing INTps to predict peoples next moves.

    Would you be able to help be understand how an INTp does this.
    It's all about knowing your own emotions and motivations. Because of introversion, I reflect on my own actions alot, thus I get a better feel for what I would do in a situation. In order to predict what people will do, I just think of what I would do.

    Also, living around a certain person gets you to know them very well. Now, anyone who reminds you of that person will probably act around the same way.
    Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)

  26. #26
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    In order to read people, you have to have little to no sense of who you are (or at least be able to keep yourself in one corner of your mind while retaining your powers on observation in another).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cone
    For these descriptions to work, everyone must agree on highlighting the same things.
    I don't think these descriptions are meant to be treated as absolute. As can be seen, the desriptions contain such words as "often", "usually", "can", etc.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Herzblut
    Quote Originally Posted by Hugo
    Basically, I just want to know if it helps one correctly determine their type. But thanks any way.
    Somewhat. I think that people need to rely on a little bit more than descriptions to determine their type.

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