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Depends on the specific dual pair. I'm going to talk about my particular duality (ENFp-ISTp).
I'm a delta living among alphas (INTj father, ENTp and ESFj siblings) and that has deeply influenced my life. I've reached the conclusion that ENFp is the most flexible of all types, and as I result I've acquired the alpha values of my family as if they were mine.
My father always tried to make us interested in intellectual stuff since our early childhood. My ESFj brother responded, but not as he expected. My ENTp sister seems to not be very bright. So my father has always seen me as "the hope" of the family. Ti stuff is not particularity interesting to me, but since my father and I share Ne, we can understand each other very well. Thing is, I'm an intellectual myself, probably because of my desire to please him and not because that's a natural tendency of mine.
I would had dropped it long time ago if it wasn't for the fact that I'm actually quite capable in that area (for example, my brother is mentally disabled and goes for treatment; once we were over there and they applied us a test of IQ and I scored even higher than my father, we both are above 130), so it gives me pleasure when I do something related.
The negative side is that it seems to me that it is not healthy for an individual to go around with the PoLR as the supposed strength area. When I'm discussing stuff such like that it always causes me a slight neurosis and imbalance from my normal being. For example, I can be extremely tactless and rude (Ti is reciprocal of Fe) and generally do something in such situations that I later regret.
People also think of me as very arrogant, probably because I have my Ti fortified. To compensate for the fear of criticism in the area I've developed an exaggerated confidence so I always state things instead of asking, for example. My self-confidence is different in nature, however. I don't think that I'm always right. In fact, I would rather think it's the opposite: I'm always afraid of being wrong (like any true intellectual) so I'm constantly throwing out stuff which I want other people to analyze; like if I subconsciously knew that I need help in the area. Since both Ti and Fi are introverted functions, I don't feel the need to report my conclusions to the other person, so they might get away with the impression that I don't listen to them or value their comments. But it's again quite the opposite: I can always find a wisdom in any opinion.
So, about the topic of the thread, I would say that wearing this alpha mask has not been a good thing for my duality friendships. I really don't know how to get rid of it and exercise delta values. When I'm around my dual I have little to talk about, because in my house nobody seems to value Fi (my mother is beta, ENFj). So, as weird as it might sound, I feel rather awkward when I exercise it. The kind of sociability that would attract more "normal" ENFp feels foreign to me, because my father, being an introverted NT, has always condemned social bias.
ISTp also have some obscure sides that I will talk about later.