Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
if model G is what i think it is, then its how i think most of the time. although i don't know precisely what it entails; your link was not working.
EPFI / RLST - Active / Passive (eq. E/I)
EPLR / FTIS - Discrete, Fractional / Continuous, Integral (eq. J/P)
EPST / RLFI - Dynamic, Non-equilibrium / Static, Equilibrium (eq. static/dynamic)
ERFS / PLIT - Implcated / Removed (eq. SF / NT)
PLFS / ERIT - Explicit / Implicit (eq. ST / NF)
ELIS / PRFT - Goal-setting / Executive (eq. Alpha / Gamma)
ELFT / PRIS - Engine / Inertia (eq. Beta / Delta)

source : Gulenko's article on information aspects

WARNING : On Model G, functions are ordered like this :


An ILE would have :

1I 2L
4R 3F
5E 6S
8T 7P

1234 / 5678 - Resident / Mobile
1278 / 3456 - Mental / Vital
1256 / 3478 - Autonomous / Dependent
1368 / 2457 - Energy / Information
2367 / 1458 - Initial / Terminal
1467 / 2358 - Value / Instrument
2468 / 1357 - Relief / Diffuse

Source : Gulenko's article on functions

As you can see, definitions differ from classical socionics'.