This INFP fantasizes about excercise. I'm the world's best couch potato . . . but I'm always reading . . . excercising my mind . . . does that count? Worry about my health all the time . . . go figure?
This INFP fantasizes about excercise. I'm the world's best couch potato . . . but I'm always reading . . . excercising my mind . . . does that count? Worry about my health all the time . . . go figure?
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
I really had to force myself to exercise, at first. Then, I started developing a routine of exercise that I enjoy. It really does help with anxiety. When I skip a workout, I always get anxious and self-conscious about my health. If any other NiFe's are reading this (yes, Artemis, that means you) my advice is, find something you enjoy doing (and that physically feels good; maybe weight lifting or yoga, or just walking) and set some time asside to do it. Otherwise, you'll spend all your time obsessing over "I wish I was in better health."
Thanks. Will give it some thought.
How come nobody uses color in their posts? This is cool. Can't believe I didn't see it before.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Well, I do try to stay trim, but it is mostly for the ladies ... that door to the doghouse is only so big, you know.
Man, mcnew, you are always so down on yourself when it comes to the ladies. I'll lend you some of my kiss-my-ass attitude.Originally Posted by rmcnew
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
i'm not really like that at heart. I figure live and let live just don't tread on me.Originally Posted by Artemis
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Umm... I don't remember the last time tried to excercise more than 3 minutes... socionically speaking shouldn't be odd for a , but I'm sure I can beat any inxx out there on body unperformance, I'm lazy among the lazy so ^_^;
Unlike Artemis, for me any phantasy about doing excercise is more likely to be a nightmare.
That was actually a joke, probably a rather bad one considering I really do have a tough time keeping personal relationships going along.
It comes through in your posts.Originally Posted by rmcnew
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
I always contemplate exercising but things always seem to get in the way.
But an INFp I know does it very consistently, i assume it is because he does not want to appear unnattractive so battles with himself.
but yeah, i have also noticed that certain ISFj's exercise alot.
I'm afraid that if I exercise, I become thinner than I already am.
Binary or dichotomous systems, although regulated by a principle, are among the most artificial arrangements that have ever been invented. -- William Swainson, A Treatise on the Geography and Classification of Animals (1835)
What better motivation than that!Originally Posted by krae
Maybe you should have said fat asses!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Excercise for excercise's sake is like catching a cold for the cold's sake: I'd much rather do without, thankyouverymuch. I walk about an hour to and from school per day, and as long as I don't have to think of it as excercise, that does fine for me. I really prefer walking to taking the bus.
Last time I excercised for the excercise was when I first heard of the concept and thought it might be nice to try out. I worked well. For an hour. Then, I got incredibly bored and decided to go back inside to finish that Gummy Bears movie.
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
Know the feeling. There's just nothing in it mentally for me. How do people get so excited about excercise?Originally Posted by Darklord
You are so INFP that you reek!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
No way. I find him way more understandable and interesting that the Betas. EII types are actually more resistant to things like exersize than IEIs.Originally Posted by Artemis
I reek?Originally Posted by Artemis
*Sniffs armpit*
Nothing but deodorant there.
Originally Posted by Rocky (Another thread)
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
Well maybe I've go my freakin' type wrong then!
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
i heart exercising. yay for endorphins. maybe its my has to do with my desire to do things that make me happy. that happens to be one of them. . I motivate my best friend (sunflower) to work out. It also helps me feel more confident.
"this shaking keeps me steady. i should know. what falls always is always. and is near. i wake to sleep and taking my waking slow. i learn by going where i have to go." -t. roethke
Maybe you're very resistant to the power of the S darkside.Originally Posted by Artemis
Several of your posts have revealed a heavy S influence, though I have no doubt you're N. If you might care to notice, my posts would probably reveal a nonexistant S. They're supposed to be my hidden agenda and PoLR, but I really haven't noticed them a lot lately. Or ever, for that matter.
@ Rocky: Gosh ... I'm really getting my ego stroked on this site.
But, seriously, there's no need to flatter me.
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
Artemis... you actually do seem INFj to me... I can't say why, and I've been wrong in the past. Darklord... that name's too nerdy to be Beta anyways. Definately INFj.
I DEFINATELY hear where you're coming from, and Transigent. I have to keep a running dialogue in my head just to get motivated to start. "I really should get up and go... but I have this cramp in my leg... go and stretch then!... but I want to splurge five more minutes on the forum.. shut up and get going to damned pansy, you!..." and so on. Generally once I get myself going, I really enjoy it. I love the endorphin rush, and the feeling that my body is actually working in harmony, and I like getting the fresh air.
Me :heart: my screenname .Originally Posted by Baby
What is really creepy is that "Darklord" actually is the short form. A fuller version is "Darklord of Evil". And my old e-mail is even nerdier ...
Beware! Nerd genes on the prowl.
INFj - The Holy CPU Saint
Dishonorary INFp
(Very good place for emoticons. Right-click on the one you want and select "properties" for direct link)
"No way. "
I wouldn't say "no way," but I definately agree with your general sentiment.
"To become is just like falling asleep. You never know exactly when it happens, the transition, the magic, and you think, if you could only recall that exact moment of crossing the line then you would understand everything; you would see it all"
"Angels dancing on the head of a pin dissolve into nothingness at the bedside of a dying child."
Rocky said: "No way. I find him (Darklord) way more understandable and interesting that the Betas. EII types are actually more resistant to things like exersize than IEIs."
I'm really trying hard to like you, Rocky. Real hard.
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Don't hurt yourself, kid. It's all in jest.Originally Posted by Artemis
Wahhhhhhhh! Nerdy?! I love his name. Does that make me nerdy too?Originally Posted by Baby
*sticks out tongue . . . several times*
And think about the INFj thing while I go do some research and reading there. Thanks. :wink:
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Originally Posted by Artemis
I wonder what it is about how I communicate that always seems to turn IEIs against me . Besides, it's only natural for you to find people in your own Quadra more understandable, that's all I was saying.
It seems like you and I are fighting over him, Rocky.Originally Posted by Rocky
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Your pseudo just suits you . . . I swear you sneak around and just wait for the opportunity to pounce.Originally Posted by Pedro-the-Lion
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
I generally walk or run a few miles a day. Not to lose weight or stay in shape but simply because I like to. I stopped though because lately I start to get sick every time I every time I try to eat. If I walk I will get too thin.
I hate exercise. So boring. And even if I did like it, I wouldn't be able to keep a strict schedule, so what would be the point? I'm already skinny and I walk pretty much everywhere anyway.
ENFP - Ethical Subtype.
In touch with semireality.
You're not pregnant are you?Originally Posted by Sycophant
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.
Ha. No, I'm not. That's what I thought at first.... oh shit abortion time! But it has been going on a few months now and I took a test the other day to be sure. I don't know what's wrong with me. I'm to paranoid to go to a doctor though. Ramble.
Please do go to a doctor. We all want you healthy, I'm sure.Originally Posted by Sycophant
<--- Me pouring out all my love on you!
Some days its just not worth chewing through the restraints.