I am curious about something ... I was reading today the description of Model-A on this website, and I noticed that it mentioned that the specific corresponding blocks of the psyche often represent how a person appears when they place emphasis on certain specific functions.

For example, I am wondering if anyone else has noticed or felt that I am trying to be authoritative in the way I represent myself on this website.

I know I have been accused of it before, and this link is a perfect example of that. oldforumlinkviewtopic.php?t=1042

I do know for a fact that I am highly influenced by my 6th function, even to the point to where I struggled over whether I was actually XNFJ. However, I highly value my 2nd function as well and I love to use it quite regularly in my daily activities.

So, I am curious whether others think that the reason why people are perceiving that I am trying to appear as an authority is in result of the usage of my 2nd and 6th functions? Even though I am not consciously attempting to look like anything.

What do you think?