Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
Trying to make other people feel good is not an Fi suggestive thing. His face and eyes show Fe when he speaks as opposed to the asian dude who shows much less emotion in his face and eyes even when he's talking something painful. Whether an SLE would do a video like this or not I can't take the leap and say that determines a type especially considering it's a sponsored video, but his behaviors and demeanor are much more SLE than LSE, he rejects the idea of a "traditional"relationship, his face is alive with emotion and he's trying to make other people feel good, which probably comes from his HA for people to like him. He even checks to make sure he's accurate on what the head of the household question was word for word which I think suggests Ti.

I can show you an LSE.

first guy you see is LSE.


One is a super athlete and the other is a blue collar humpty-dumpty type.

So LSE has IEE as a activator and only supports traditional relationships? That's not really a statement about socionics, its more about a value statement of that individual. Sol would be happy to hear you say it though.

I wouldn't really say his face is alive with emotion its just more expressive. Actually that group, maybe the topic subject matter, felt very subdued including him.

The asian dude vibes like obstinate white ethics, so IEE. Being all different and extrovertedly vulnerable and different from the group to allow the convo to happen. Same type as the blonde free range mom.

Word for word checking instructions. Okay so strong logics of actions. Dad will take care of the details good thing he was paying attention. lol, sorry.