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Thread: Socionics Beta types Examples

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    Eva Green Ni-IEI sp/sx. Edit: E4

    "She is so beautiful, it's indecent." - Bernardo Bertolucci on Eva Green

    I am a very shy person in life, very reserved, but you know, it's Bertolucci. I've seen Last Tango and it's not pornographic, it's not vulgar, it's not sick, so I trusted him. He's a master of love and eroticism, but it's good because I stopped being self-conscious. I felt like I was on drugs or anaesthetised because you have to be. You have to let yourself slip away and forget everything, forget the sound guy and all that.
    When I’m at home in London, I walk all the way through the centre, through Regent’s Park. I love going to the cinema and I love reading. It’s very boring really – I’m not somebody who goes out to clubs and things like that. I wear no make-up in real life. I’m very simple. I wear jeans and T-shirts. That may be why I go over the top for the red carpet. But otherwise, I’m very plain. I am really in my own bubble.
    I’m not that confident in real life, so sometimes I’m drawn to playing strong women because I wish I could be like this in reality. Like if somebody annoys me, I wish I could say: ‘Off with his head!’ In general, I am very scared, so it’s kind of a dream to be so ballsy on-screen, even to be rude and evil. In reality, I’m really quite an introvert.
    It's a way to exteriorize all my shit. To scream and cry and laugh on-screen, it's almost like black magic. You can do anything. I'm a dreamer, so that's a good job for me. Onstage is the only place I can fully express myself.

    Eva loved to entertain us with a lot of funny expressions. On one of these occasions, while we were shooting a scene on a counter, took the soda siphon and sprayed everywhere … .she definitely relaxed the set!

    For me, acting is like a therapy. I can express myself fully when I am acting and have blood in my veins. Even when I'm not working, I'm always living in my own world, imagining characters.

    “I’m so boring,” Green tells PEOPLE with a laugh. “I’m such a homebody. I’m not into going to parties because I never really feel comfortable. I’m a bear who lives in a cave.”

    A self-described introvert – who says she took up acting to help with her acute shyness – the embrace of the coastline of Dublin Bay comforts her.

    I hardly ever go to parties. If I really have to, I’ll go, but I’m not the most open person, which is sometimes not the best quality.

    I'm not really involved with politics... I'm living in my cocoon with my classical music around.

    It's true that I'm drawn to unusual stories. Normal roles don't really attract me.

    I’m not into social media. I’m like from another century.

    I am a dreamer. Seriously, I’m living on another planet.

    People think I'm so strong, but I'm very shy.
    Last edited by Moonbeaux Rainfox; 03-28-2016 at 09:59 PM.

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