Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
I didn't say nervousness. I said he fidgets a lot and seems quite restless—he matches the EJ description I linked from Wikisocion.
I didn't imply you interpreted his fidgeting as nervousness, I did, which I think is a valid reason for the fidgeting. I could be wrong about this, of course, but I do think it would make perfect sense for any person to feel somewhat uneasy speaking to large crowd, especially about such controversial issues

He appears restless every time I've seen him, whether it's 1-1 interviews or crowds.

And for someone so "assertive" and "direct", you'd think he'd be far more at ease with what he's saying despite its controversial nature. He seems horribly awkward to me and it's difficult to take him seriously.

Anybody can -talk- about ethical issues. It's quite another thing to speak with natural confidence about ethical issues—he lacks that natural confidence from my POV. Hence why I have a difficult time taking him seriously. Dude seems entirely out of his element.

The weak Fi is evident in how pathetic he comes across trying to speak about ostensibly ethical issues.
Someone lacks confidence in their ethical beliefs by making a career out voicing their ethical criticisms? Or perhaps you're referring to how he delivers his views? If so, that's more related to , Fi bases simply are not concerned with their emotional expressions; being polite, yes, needing to entertain others with an engaging presence, no

His attempts at being provocative. He seems to ideate himself as someone brash and outspoken, and enjoys drawing attention to himself in that regard.

This seems to be what you and Krig are labeling "Se." It isn't.
Except being prone to push ones views onto others with such a conviction is indicative of strong Se, and weak Ne as well.

I'd figure Sam Harris for ILE, but that's a separate topic.
Well that's a different discussion, but let's just say I strongly disagree