I think the expression "sex drive" holds the answer, in that it's not called "sex trailer". I don't mean to use a simple word to justify wheter it comes before or after cognitive processes but use the word as a simple example. Anyway, i think it's commonly agreed that what we mean by sex drive is the root of all sexual desire, which can be (or not) sublimated.

Now two keywords later, we find that sublimation through cognitive processes could alter the concrete effect of a high sex drive on actual sexual life (though i agree that to some extent it is arguable). It depends on the function preferences among other things but also could depend on things such as philosophy about life, emotions, Freudian stuff like family and things that happened in the youth, etc, we could go on for days, really.

Also, sexual life is not only guided by sex drive. Sorry guys, those chicks in cults aren't that horny. Nor is that sexually cold but loving mother of 12. I don't think that cheerleader you brought in your car back at school had herogenous zones in her mouth.

So if we ask about wheter sex drive has something to do with type, the answer would have to be no. Now if we ask about a type & sexual life correlation, of course there is one, but still, it's manifestation is subject to many conditionnal operators but is it a surprise? I mean, how many of you saw only 16 identical people with different bodies before knowing about socionics?