This isn't about any one person in particular, just pretty much any "disputed INTp" and perhaps those who can't seem to choose between INTp and INTj.
It makes a lot of sense to me that "disputed INTps" could easily be mistyped INFps. While they for whatever reason (being male, not having great social skills, etc.) they believe themselves to be a logical type, others see a Ti > Te preference and say that INTp doesn't fit. Because they (and others typing them) assume that they're a logical type (and of course insist that they're introverted and intuitive), INTj seems to be the other other option. They then point out that INTj doesn't quite fit (they identify a lot more with the INTp descriptions, the IP temperament, etc.), and then the old "INTp vs. INTj" subject comes up. Again.
My point is that if a person relates to the INTp descriptions better than the INTj descriptions, yet seems to display a preference for Ti, it's quite possible that they're INFps and they should seriously consider that type.
This gives me an idea.... that I don't have time to think or write about... perhaps later.