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Thread: New function interpretations

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    Default New function interpretations

    These are TENTATIVE. I am relying on your honest critique. Don't hold back.

    I have included interaction patterns between contrary functions. (the so-called "transcendental function") Some of them may seem very strange, even impossible. Please critique, but keep an open mind as well. These may have something to do with the "long-range/short-range" interpretations, as well.

    To create these interpretations, I have taken the standpoint that each function acts as a sort of "eye" that tries to render the entire observed world in its own terms. It is by means of the successive interpretations of these eyes that we function as personalities.

    The perception of instance. perceives of the world as a collection
    of instances that are spontaneously created and destroyed.

    When receiving compensatory information from , perceives instantiation
    as conditional to distantiation, of appearance to disappearance. For one thing
    to appear, another must disappear or not be noticed. Only that which is not
    noticed can be made apparent.
    This is probably related to the existence of electron buildups in neurons before the critical level is reached. More to come.

    to be written
    Probably has to do with the movement of electrons between neurons, the paths which are available.

    The perception of divisions within fields, the mechanism of
    distinguishment between objects. It processes these distinctions as quantitative
    and qualitative information, recognizing physical quantities but not making
    judgements regarding their relative magnitudes.

    When receiving compensatory information from , observes division as the
    inability of fields to interact with each other due to the non-existence of an
    element between them.
    is a perception of seperation. Exerted, it can divide objects. Divided objects are capable of autonomous movement, hence the dominant's skill in manipulating their environment. dominants can anticipate the influence of divisions on the character of statics, which will endure as influences on the dividing objects.

    Phemenologically, it's probably related to the perception of neuron quantities engaged in the formation of an idea. Divide the neurons, divide the idea.

    The perception of immediate outcome between fields that interact with
    each other. It only recognizes what happens between the fields, and not the
    relative influence ratios of the outcome between them.

    is often considered the function of the senses due to its role in sensory
    perception. All sensory information is the result of interactions between fields
    of incoming energy and existing electromagnetically charged neurons. Therefore
    it is by direct interaction of fields with neurons that information is
    perceived by humans.

    When receiving compensatory information from , can influence the outcome
    of interactions between fields by exploiting intra-field divisions reckoned by
    Probably related to the ways distinct neuron networks interact with each other. Remember the neuron is the brain's method of information modeling: everything we see, hear, touch, think -- it's all neurological, because neurons are the shapers of our electron flows.

    with compensatory can identify the presence of weaknesses in health and at what point they may be found. It may also be employed to the end of diagnosing weaknesses in alliances between people. This is probably due to the perception of quantities of neurons engaged in a specific ideological relation.

    The perception of time-transient environmental features. views
    all environmental constants as due to other environmental constants, observing
    the world as a construct of reflexively structuring statics.

    When receiving compensatory information from , views the world as
    a structure of energy flows between objects.
    If we look at as the neuron synapse architecture used to model ideas and as the flow
    of information (electrons) between the synapses, then the potential to create new synaptic structure is governed by the ability of potentials to accumulate in the neurons. Without the appropriate synapses the structure cannot be evolved.

    The perception of impulse. perceives the world as a collection of
    static impulses that act completely of their own accord.

    When receiving compensatory information from , views impulses as
    due to the compensatory replication of internal object states.
    with compensatory is a monitor of the mind-vs-matter "plasticity" aspect of personality: how nurture influences nature. It perceives the influence of mechanisms (neuron action) on the brain chemistry that creates feeling drives. This makes sense if you remember that different kinds of neurons require different chemicals to function, and that the brain can only provide itself so many chemicals at a time. Being too wrapped up in the emotive experiences of others can deprive oneself of emotive self-regulation.

    The replication of gradient. perceives a world of opposites that
    are forever imbalanced, shifting flows of energy from one side to another.
    perceives any shift to be due in turn to the existence of another
    shift elsewhere, creating a self-reflexive system of persistent imbalance.

    When receiving compensatory information from , observes shifts in
    gradient as created by disunions and compensatory unions of collective
    This is probably the poorest interpretation. What I'm trying to get at here, is that
    is the ability to respond to what happens in others by reproducing their internal conditions in oneself, not unlike the mirror neuron theory in cognitive neuroscience. This is accomplished by reproduction of the electromagnetic field gradient of the observed in the brain, and inferred by a form of compensation initiated by the interaction of two electromagnetic fields with each other. (I think Jung called this "self regulation of the psyche") Sergei Ganin also said something about this on his website a few months ago.

    with compensatory observes the influence of one's own feelings on a person's ability to recreate these states. So to say, you can only take empathy as far as your brain chemistry will allow.

    The perception of energy transfer. perceives the world
    as a continuous exchange of energy between objects.

    When receiving compensatory information from , perceives the world
    as an exchange of information between components of a structure. It
    perceives information flow as the self-reinforcement of a complex. Hence, it
    perceives energy flow itself as a persistent, structural phenomenon.
    This may be too much like with compensatory . It's probably related to the ability of the neurons which are used to model objects in the brain to communicate with each other, whether or not a synapse is possible in that particular situation. Obviously the existing ideological structure plays a role in whether or not the synapses are joined.

    As for what "we" are? Most likely, the flow of electrons. I don't it matters how they flow, only that the functions are successfully implemented.

    Another thing that should be apparent, is that the functions, as mechanics of the brain, can be directly influenced by other functions. It seems probable that some influences between functions are greater in some people than in others, thus creating the spectrum of dual/crosstypes. Model-A itself appears to be a consequence of the limited reach of the functions: to directly influence one, it must forgo influence on another.

  2. #2
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    would you say developing different functions - becoming aware of their existence, and incorperating them into your life more - would actually change your brain chemisty?

    That is to say, do you think that you have control to warp how your brain is by consciously choosing actions as you interact with reality?
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Aren't conscious choices slower/take longer than subconscious?

    Edit: I'm sorry, that was a partly thought out comment, with only backing up from logic, and no references.
    INTP/ILI(Ni) /5w4

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    Quote Originally Posted by UDP III
    would you say developing different functions - becoming aware of their existence, and incorperating them into your life more - would actually change your brain chemisty?

    That is to say, do you think that you have control to warp how your brain is by consciously choosing actions as you interact with reality?
    Look at it this way: by making a choice, you are invoking a function. You cannot change the chemistry because the chemistry is genetic: you cannot change either the quanitity of chemicals or what chemicals are produced. What you can change is where the chemicals go; that is, how they are distributed.

    The problems is life doesn't wait for us to acheive "perfection" by balancing our functions of our own volition. The demands of continuous psychological adaptation make any attempt to micromanage your personality dangerous.

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    I had forgotten and . They are now added.

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