After a lot of research, I've come to the conclusion that is, completely the function of sequential appreception. Not surprisingly, this is related to the peculiarly sequence-related talents of individuals who possess as base.

appears in two forms, information metabolism and information exertion. The metabolism form ( as master, or determinant) always devotes itself to the perception of exertion at points in a definite sequence. This can be used either to remember how a function behaved at a point in time (by using to apprehend sequences of events that have happened or are happening), or to determine how it might behave in the future given that it follows a definite formula.

Sequence, by its nature, avoids timelessness. (Jonathan made a point about this) It avoids the consequential and the endurant: sequence does not imply consequence, only progression. The sequence continues on as it must because that is simply the way it progresses; there is no other justification necessary for its existence. Indeed, it does not even imply existence, because it is only progression of action without apprehension of its meaning, or even of its subjective persistence. It is natural, therefore, for and to be relegated to the subconscious by , due to their depreciation of the appreception of sequential progression for its own sake.

By perceiving as the appreception of sequential progression, we are allowed to solve for ourselves any mysteries regarding the talents of either or dominant individuals. Alone among all the types are the INTps in suggesting that mathematics is beautiful: through the lense of sequential progression we see why. What is a formula other than a sequential progression? First do this... then this... then this.... Certainly it is structured, but once structured one only needs to repeat its sequence. For that matter, why not further sequentialize mathematics by assigning the entire formula to a single symbol, removing the symbol as far from an pretense of structure or feeling as possible? Make it ethereal, existant only in so far as it represents a progression of events.... Why not make the whole world that way, asks.

Taking this view of as a sequential progression into consideration, we see that the recognition of the meaning of this symbol is a sequential progression in itself. looks at the symbol, and recalls that it itself attributed a sequence of events unto it. never sees the symbol, only the progression of events which it implies. Thus we see in mathematics a desire to encapsulate entire mathematical formula into mysterious, seemingly meaningless symbols. And the more deeply the encapsulation, of one formula into one symbol, into another formula, into another symbol, the more removed from all that is sequentially irrelevant the mathematics becomes. No wonder and rise as shadows of opposition against this endlessly abstract, non-existant world.

In the case of information exertion, is the method by which a function is applied. Given that is the appreception of sequential progression, then we see that if the use of the master implies the use of the slave (metabolism implies exertion) then we must always speak of exerted as an evolutionary progression of events. Let's consider an example, mastering . We consider first elements of subjective perception, which are the domain of . By following with , we assume the existence of a sequence which elements will undergo, not unlike a mathematical formula whose terms are elements. By iterating through the formula in sequence, perceives the influence distinct manifestations of have on each other over time. This interoperability of functions between each other in accordance with a progressive sequence is the method of human perception of evolution.

From this deduction, that evolution as apprehended by the human mind is a consequence of observing the interrelations of similar information elements over the span of a progressive sequence, we may conclude that...
[conclusion forthcoming...]