I know a lot of LII's, so I can observe differences between LII's :

Style #1 : Expressive-Eccentric style

expressive, provocative, idiosyncratic, strong intellectual independance and obstinacy, sometimes aggressive and reactive.

Style #2 : Perfectionistic-Idealistic style

have high ideals, likes to do everything right, scrupulous, pessimistic and reserved, physically strong, ascetic, seems resolute but dissociates easily.

Style #3 : Schizoid-Passive style

solitary, passive, egocentric, tends to be misanthropic, minimalistic social interaction, only likes people "who deserve to be".

Style #4 : Empathetic-Social style

likes objectivity, strong and powerful structures, finding solutions for people, very sociable but not that expressive.

Those styles could be related to :

  • neurochemical configurations (e.g. norepinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin levels)
  • cognitive informations (e.g. memes)
  • socionic subtype systems
  • unknown and undiscovered type theories or other psychological theories