16 subsocions exist, one for each of the 16 type relations. Each
subsocion contains 16 types. We call them subsocions because the members
of a subsocion share perfect manifestations of the 16 type relations
between each other. Inter-subsocion relations are always skewed by the
alternating experiences of relation between the information metabolism and
information exertion types of each person.

Individuals of the same subsocion share similar attitudes towards their work, based on the relationship between their information metabolism type (classic socionics; model-A) and their information extertion type. (dual-type theory)


ENFj-ESFj: Enthusiastic Mentor
ESFj-ENFj: Mentoring Enthusiast
ENFp-ESFp: Political Psychologist
ESFp-ENFp: Psychological Politician
ESTj-ENTj: Enterprising Administrator
ENTj-ESTj: Administrative Enterpriser
ENTp-ESTp: Conquering Inventor
ESTp-ENTp: Inventing Conquerer
ISFj-INFj: Empathic Guardian
INFj-ISFj: Guardian of Empathy
ISFp-INFp: Lyrical Mediator
INFp-ISFp: Mediating Lyricist
ISTj-INTj: Analytic Pragmatist
INTj-ISTj: Pragmatic Analyst
ISTp-INTp: Observing Craftsman
INTp-ISTp: Crafting Observer


ESFj-ESFp: Political Enthusiast
ESFp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Politician
ESTj-ESTp: Conquering Administrator
ESTp-ESTj: Administrative Conqueror
ENFJ-ENFp: Psychological Therapist
ENFp-ENFj: Mentoring Psychologist
ENTj-ENTp: Inventing Enterpriser
ENTp-ENTj: Enterprising Inventor
ISFj-ISFp: Mediating Guardian
ISFp-ISFj: Guardian Mediatior
ISTj-ISTp: Crafting Investigator
ISTp-ISTj: Pragmatic Craftsman
INFj-INFp: Lyrical Empath
INFp-INFj: Empathic Lyricist
INTj-INTp: Analytic Observer
INTp-INTj: Observing Analyst


ESFj-ISFj: Guardian Enthusiast
ISFj-ESFj: Enthusiastic Guardian
ESFp-ISFp: Mediating Politician
ISFp-ESFp: Political Mediator
ESTp-ISTp: Crafting Conquerer
ISTp-ESTp: Conquering Craftsman
ESTj-ISTj: Pragmatic Administrator
ISTj-ESTj: Administrative Inspector
ENFj-INFj: Humanistic Mentor
INFj-ENFj: Mentoring Empath
ENFp-INFp: Lyrical Psychologist
INFp-ENFp: Psychological Lyricist
INTj-ENTj: Enterprising Analyst
ENTj-INTj: Analytic Enterpriser
ENTp-INTp: Observing Inventor
INTp-ENTp: Inventing Observer


ESFj-ESTj: Directing Enthusiast
ESTj-ESFj: Enthusiastic Administrator
ESFp-ESTp: Conquering Politician
ESTp-ESFp: Political Conqueror
ENFj-ENTj: Entrepreneureal Mentor
ENTj-ENFj: Mentoring Enterpriser
ENFp-ENTp: Psychological Inventor
ENTp-ENFp: Inventing Psychologist
ISFj-ISTj: Inspector of Conservation
ISTj-ISFj: Guardian of Inspection
ISFp-ISTp: Crafting Mediator
ISTp-ISFp: Mediating Craftsman
INFj-INTj: Analytic Empath
INTj-INFj: Empathic Analyst
INFp-INTp: Observing Lyricist
INTp-INFp: Lyrical Observer


ESFj-ISFp: Mediating Enthusiast
ISFj-ESFp: Political Guardian
ESFp-ISFj: Guardian Politician
ISFp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Mediator
ESTJ-ISTp: Crafting Administrator
ISTj-ESTp: Conquering Pragmatist
ESTp-ISTj: Inspecting Conqueror
ISTp-ESTj: Directing Craftsman
ENFj-INFp: Lyrical Mentor
INFj-ENFp: Psychological Empath
ENFp-INFj: Empathic Psychologist
INFp-ENFj: Mentoring Lyricist
ENTj-INTp: Observant Enterpriser
INTj-ENTp: Inventing Analyst
ENTp-INTj: Analytic Inventor
INTp-ENTj: Enterprising Observer


ESFj-INFj: Empathic Enthusiast
ISFj-ENFj: Mentoring Guardian
ENFj-ISFj: Guardian Mentor
INFj-ESFj: Enthusiastic Empath
ESFp-INFp: Lyrical Politician
ISFp-ENFp: Psychological Mediator
ENFp-ISFp: Mediating Psychologist
INFp-ESFp: Political Lyricist
ESTj-INTj: Analytic Administrator
ISTj-ENTj: Enterprising Inspector
ENTj-ISTj: Pragmatic Enterpriser
INTj-ESTj: Administrative Analyst
ESTp-INTp: Observant Conqueror
ENTp-ISTp: Inventing Craftsman
ENTp-ISTp: Crafting Invention
INTp-ESTp: Conquering Observer


ESFJ-ISTj: Inspecting Enthusiast
ISFj-ESTj: Administrative Guardian
ESTj-ISFj: Guardian Administrator
ISTj-ESFj: Enthusiastic Inspector
ESFp-ISTp: Crafting Politician
ISFp-ESTp: Conquering Mediator
ESTp-ISFp: Mediating Conqueror
ISTp-ESFp: Political Craftsman
ENFj-INTj: Analytic Mentor
INFj-ENTj: Enterprising Empath
ENTj-INFj: Empathic Inventor
INTj-ENFj: Mentoring Analyst
ENFp-INTp: Observing Psychologist
ENTp-INFp: Lyrical Inventor
INFp-ENTp: Inventing Lyricist
INTp-ENFp: Psychological Observer


ESFj-ENFp: Psychology Enthusiast
ESFp-ENFj: Mentoring Politician
ENFj-ESFp: Political Mentor
ENFp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Psychologist
ESTj-ENTp: Inventing Director
ENTj-ESTp: Conquering Enterpriser
ESTp-ENTj: Enterprising Conqueror
ENTp-ESTj: Administrative Inventor
ISFj-INFp: Lyrical Guardian
ISFp-INFj: Empathic Mediator
INFj-ISFp: Mediating Empath
INFp-ISFj: Guardian Lyricist
ISTj-INTp: Observing Inspector
INTj-ISTp: Crafting Analyst
ISTp-INTj: Analytic Craftsman
INTp-ISTj: Pragmatic Observer


ESFJ-ENTj: Enthusiastic Enterpriser
ENFJ-ESTj: Administrative Mentor
ESTJ-ENFj: Mentoring Administrator
ENTJ-ESFj: Enterprising Enthusiast
ESFp-ENTp: Inventing Politician
ENFp-ESTp: Conquering Psychologist
ESTp-ENFp: Psychological Conqueror
ENTp-ESFp: Political Inventor
ISFj-INTj: Analytic Guardian
ISTj-INFj: Empathic Pragmatist
INFj-ISTj: Pragmatic Empath
INTj-ISFj: Guardian Analyst
ISFp-INTp: Observing Mediator
ISTp-INFp: Lyrical Craftsman
INFp-ISTp: Crafting Lyricist
INTp-ISFp: Mediating Observer


ESFj-ESTp: Conquering Enthusiast
ESFp-ESTj: Administrative Politician
ESTj-ESFp: Political Director
ESTp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Conqueror
ENFj-ENTp: Inventing Mentor
ENFp-ENTj: Enterprising Psychologist
ENTj-ENFp: Psychological Enterpriser
ENTp-ENFj: Mentoring Inventor
ISFj-ISTp: Crafting Conservator
ISFp-ISTj: Pragmatic Mediator
ISTj-ISFp: Mediating Pragmatist
ISTp-ISFj: Guardian Craftsman
INFj-INTp: Observant Empath
INFp-INTj: Analytic Lyricist
INTj-INFp: Lyrical Analyst
INTp-INFj: Empathic Observer


ESFj-ENTp: Inventing Enthusiast
ESFp-ENTj: Political Enterpriser
ESTj-ENFp: Psychological Administrator
ESTp-ENFj: Mentoring Conqueror
ENFj-ESTp: Conquering Mentor
ENFp-ESTj: Administrative Psychologist
ENTj-ESFp: Enterprising Politician
ENTp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Inventor
ISFj-INTp: Observant Guardian
ISFp-INTj: Analytic Mediator
ISTj-INFp: Lyrical Pragmatist
ISTp-INFj: Empathic Craftsman
INFj-ISTp: Crafting Empath
INFp-ISTj: Pragmatic Lyricist
INTj-ISFp: Mediating Analyst
INTp-ISFj: Guardian Observer


ESFj-ISTp: Crafting Enthusiast
ESTj-ISFp: Mediating Administrator
ISFj-ESTp: Conquering Conservator
ISTj-ESFp: Political Inspector
ENFp-ISFj: Guardian Psychologist
ESFp-INFj: Empathic Politician
ENTj-INFp: Lyrical Enterpriser
ISFp-ENFj: Mentoring Mediator
ISTp-ENTj: Enterprising Craftsman
ESTp-INTj: Analytic Conqueror
ENFj-INTp: Observing Mentor
INFj-ENTp: Inventing Empath
INFp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Lyricist
INTj-ENFp: Psychoanalyst
ENTp-ISTj: Pragmatic Inventor
INTp-ESTj: Directing Observer


ESFj-INFp: Lyrical Enthusiast
ISFj-ENFp: Psychological Guardian
ESFp-ISTj: Pragmatic Politician
ISFp-ESTj: Directing Mediator
ESTp-ISFj: Guardian Conqueror
ISTp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Craftsman
ENFj-ISFp: Mediating Mentor
INFj-ESFp: Political Empath
ENFp-INTj: Analytic Psychologist
INFp-ENTj: Enterprising Lyricist
ESTj-INTp: Observing Administrator
ENTj-ISTp: Crafting Enterpriser
ENTp-INFj: Empathic Inventor
ISTj-ENTp: Inventing Pragmatist
INTj-ESTp: Conquering Analyst
INTp-ENFj: Mentoring Observer


ESFJ-INTj: Analytic Enthusiast
ISFJ-ENTj: Guardian Enterpriser
ESTJ-INFj: Empathic Director
ISTJ-ENFj: Mentoring Pragmatist
ENFJ-ISTj: Inspecting Mentor
INFJ-ESTj: Director of Empathy
ENTJ-ISFj: Enterprising Conservator
INTJ-ESFj: Enthusiastic Analyst
ESFp-INTp: Observing Politician
ISFp-ENTp: Inventing Mediatior
ESTp-INFp: Lyrical Conqueror
ISTp-ENFp: Psychological Craftsman
ENFp-ISTp: Crafting Psychologist
INFp-ESTp: Conquering Lyricist
ENTp-ISFp: Mediating Inventor
INTp-ESFp: Political Observer


ESFj-INTp: Observing Enthusiast
ESFp-INTj: Analytic Politician
ISFj-ENTp: Inventing Guardian
ISFp-ENTj: Enterprising Mediator
ESTj-INFp: Lyrical Director
ESTp-INFj: Empathic Conqueror
ISTj-ENFp: Psychology Inspector
ISTp-ENFj: Mentoring Craftsman
ENFj-ISTp: Crafting Mentor
ENFp-ISTj: Pragmatic Psychologist
INFj-ESTp: Conquering Empath
INFp-ESTj: Directing Lyricist
ENTj-ISFp: Mediating Enterpriser
ENTp-ISFj: Guardian Inventor
INTj-ESFp: Political Analyst
INTp-ESFj: Enthusiastic Observer

EDIT (4/07/07): corrected the "supervisite" and "restraint" subsocions.