Like other people on this forum, I obviously think there's a lot of value in Socionics. But that doesn't mean that all of it is equally good.
Here's my garbage list for what should be discarded:
ILE type descriptions: Almost all Socionics ILE type descriptions apply to any irrat-N type who values creativity and intellect. See my critique at
A related thing that should be revised is typical Socionics descriptions of extraversion, which tend to confuse all extraversion with by implying that extraverts are "out of the box thinkers" and introverts are drones that just follow the crowd.
Content-based definitions, one-word definitions: Ni=time, Se=punches, Ti=understanding, etc. These just create misconceptions. Unlike most of Dmitri's excellent work, his flow-chart-type table in his introduction article where one decides first N vs. S, and then goes along until one nails down the type, is a good example of the "content vs. structure" flaw in describing Socionics. (To his credit, he has a disclaimer when he introduces the table.) Most of the discussions on this forum that get off base, in my opinion, do so because people map functions too much to content-interest, without really getting to the essence of the functions in question.
Quadra descriptions: I explain why these should be thrown out here: Note, again, my comments are not a critique of Rick's wonderful site, but rather of the whole quadra descriptions thing, which is outdated, contradictory, and should just be discarded and replaced with something else.
Most Reinin dichotomy descriptions: The Reinin dichotomies are good, but the descriptions I've seen are pretty bad. First, depending on how one interprets them, they could apply or not apply to anybody. And second, reasonable interpretations of them tend not to apply to the people they're supposed to apply to. And, they tend to contradict more fundamental dichotomies such as rat/irrat. The dichotomies should remain, but the descriptions need to be thrown in the garbage and replaced with better ones.