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It's not that women or "feelers" are more emotional, they deal with emotions differently...
Fair enough, although I'm alluding to Rick DeLong's theory of intergral types: specifically,
for men and
for women. Also, I'm talking about higher levels of
oxytocin and other "emotion" hormones. But, I understand what your getting at. (Semantics is a biotch.)
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For me almost all emotion is a intruder/visitor/guest in the house... for others emotions might be like family, if they weren't around it wouldn't feel comfy. I know more then once I've been blindsided by emotion, like boom.. I'm in love, or boom... I'm angry.. it could be years later... because at the time the event that caused the emotion, I didn't feel it or i blocked it away.
That hits close to home. I know
exactly what you're talking about.
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I have a way of looking at function that I don't want to discuss until I learn more socionics, but it's very close to what I'm reading right now, I just wish I could access the Russian, my dad's fluent in Russian, but he can't translate it to English.
Hey, I'd like to hear what you have to think. Nothing gets me going more than a fresh perspective.
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Anyways to me... my emotions are a delayed reaction.. for the feeler the emotions might hit in a second or a minute... but for me... it takes a hour, a week, a year or a decade. Or... when I experience some media that mirror the situation and elicits the reaction, except when I'm viewing the Media, there is no fear and no audience so I can actually feel.. rather then block. It also takes a long time to get over a unwanted emotion.
Also, the use of Ne/Ti to resolve emotions, I don't believe this to be the case. Because often times, the cause/root/solution to the emotion simply does not exist. Do you sit in a Ne/Ti loop forever pondering the impossible. Also, one might understand the reason why is angry, but does that take the anger away?
Yes, I do sit in a
loop forever. It's
awful. It never works. I just carry that baggage around until it slowly fades. I never meant to suggest that doing that is an
effective way to deal with feelings, but it's what I do nevertheless.
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I think that if one only uses Ne/Ti to address feelings, there is no relief to be gained.. especially when the emotions are complex and powerful. What happens is one starts getting depressed, feel powerless and all that bad stuff.
Yes, in fact, overthinking is a great way to put yourself in a downward depression spiral. But to this day I still apologize for and attempt to rationalize my emotions. But
fuels existential depression, and
lets you know just how much horrible stuff could happen. It's viciousl. But it's what ILEs deal with.
And of course everyone expects you to be Mr/Ms Eccentric Optimist and wonders why the hell you are actually feeling something...because we're supposed to be like a benign malfunctioning robot or something, right?
Discussions like these make this forum worthwhile. I'm glad that we can engage in this discussion, hkkmr.
OMG... the way you break up this post... maybe I'm Ti PoLR.
For me, psychological functions are biological results. There's every reason to believe there's a biological difference.
As far as the Ne/Ti loop at a bad enough level, it's drugs or getting lucky and finding some comfort and support.
I would also like to note that ENTp might not be as attention starved as people think, we can just be very discriminating about what attention gives us the peace we need. The attention we get from our Dual or a suitable partner is calming and peaceful.. This is where we ILE want to be, our minds are usually in constant chaos, creative and destructive. The attention we usually get is not what we need, all it does is speed our thoughts, and I think eventually a crash. The crash is almost always handled privately, and there needs to be someone to provide Si/Fe, if there isn't, we can resort of self-medication.
And the downward spiral of Ne/Ti is only halted by crisis, either personal or public.
Note not all ENTp will get to these points, sometimes a supportive family environment/etc will prevent many of the problems from occurring. A supportive family environments may provide the necessary psychological care for all personality types.
I don't know if this is true, but from what I've learned and read, a person really only needs 1 truly supportive relationship in their life. There was no difference in the happiness level of people with multiple supportive relationships versus a single one.
I wonder how LII's feel about this as they have the same conscious functions?
i missed this conversation for some reason. i agree with the Ne/Ti emotion-analyzing process. god what lengths i'll go to in order to avoid actually dealing with my feelings by feeling them. i really have trouble just getting to it.
on how IM's affect this:
Ti: from an istj, their Ti helps a lot. they have a way of making things seem stupid and little. their Ti sucks all the gas out of my Ne. lol. from an intj, their stronger Ti refutes my creative Ti, which also takes some gas out of my ideas.
Se: from an estp, this makes me want to fight and at times feel dominated and like i want to get out from under. from an esfp, it's energizing and kind of empowering.
Fi: from an infj, they usually hit the nail on the head and i feel ashamed of myself. you have to be careful how much you listen to them or you'll end up feeling like shit. from an isfj, it's like yaaahhh, get away.
Ni: this is pretty calming esp from an infp. they make everything seem like it will go away eventually. plus they convince you that if you just change a couple of things, easy things, then everything will be OK.
Te: the only time this helps is when you are not thinking about the facts clearly. so if you write things down on a piece of paper like a defense attorney then you see the error of your thinking. usually though i do this myself. i usually cannot stand to listen to a Te dominant try to help me with my feelings/Ne/Ti vortex. Te works better for my once i've resolved my feelings and i am ready for action. then Te advice is good.
Si: it certainly helps to have one's feet rubbed after a bad day. or a nice meal made. but i have never had anybody in my life doing these things. so this is a frustration since i can't tell if it's really my dual seeking.
Fe: esfj and enfj Fe helps a lot. like they can simply put me in a better mood, which changes my whole attitude and stops Ne/Ti in its tracks. then i can go back to my crazy thoughts and look at them more reasonably. really any reasonable dosage of Fe helps a lot, so infp's and isfp's would be included here as well. all you Fe dominants give me a lot of help.
Ne: more Ne is like the last thing you need at these times. Ne's place is for when you're basically over it and thinking more positively about what's coming next.