Quote Originally Posted by he died with a felafel
Quote Originally Posted by FDG
Quote Originally Posted by ThePeddler
For me, it's how they express their anger.

An ESTj (and ISTp) gets mad, and they go on this barrage of attacks. And they stay mad longer. It's like everything you do is wrong, and they have a shorter fuse than an ISTj. Lot of billowing and unneeded advice.

ISTj gets mad, it's like "O_o WTF...", they may or may not say that, but that's their reaction. It's more along the lines of "What would make you do that?"

I also find ISTj's to be more independant than ESTj's. They're also more inclined to be cheered up. Like they seem more playful.

Life's not fair.
ISTj: "O_o WTF, It's not my fault"
This is aligned with my experiences with the types. When an ESTj zeroes on you, everything you do is wrong.
it is also aligned with my experiences with ISTjs. nice way of differentiating
I don't understand the need for being sarcastic. Anyway, every differentiation in personal relationships is personal, by definition.