For all our forum members who enjoy Greek tragedy.
Antigone: ESFp
Ismene: INTp
Creon: ISTj
Sentry: Alpha SF
Haemon: ENTp
Tiresias: INFj?
Leader: who knows
The class discussion of this was uncanny: hitting on Ismene's foresight, Antigone's rashness, and how they are foils ("almost exact opposites") of each other--among many other points, including:
-the Sentry's meandering descriptions
-Creon's hubris, his delusion of absolute power
-Haemon urging Creon to be (R)easonable, and Creon's overreaction to his gentle criticism
The more talented the writer is, the more consistent and realistic the characters will be. Overall this play is an excellent study of Socionics, especially with regard to the relationship of personality to tragic flaws. (Our class also determined that Hamlet's two biggest weaknesses were his excessive emotionality (Fe) and his lack of decisiveness (Se). Really cool stuff. )