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Thread: Difficulties with visual identification

  1. #1
    Forest-Dragon's Avatar
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    Default Difficulties with visual identification

    I find that for me, VI is extremely difficult to do. I cannot differentiate between one type and another, unless its an ENTP (my own type). What exactly is it that you look for to distinguish between types? As of yet, the only thing that in any way distinguishes type for me is a long narrow chin (evocative of an INTP) or a rounded forehead (ENTP). Is anyone else experiencing this difficulty?

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    I have actually gotten better at V.I., and certain people have become easy for me to readily type just by watching their movements along with physical features.

    It seems that there are a few things you have to consider when V.I. people [atleast these are things I have learned]

    1. How their behaviours are manifested towards you and others and the types of relationships they have with people.

    2. Eyes tell alot about people, if you practice watching how people look around, it is possible to start discerning diffrences between intuitive types and sensible types just by how they move their heads and look at things.

    3. Physical traits may be important, but not as important as you would think. For example, mirror types can look very similar, yet have diffrent behavioural patterns. However, there is truth to the fact that members of one type do in fact have distinguishing features that often other types do not and it is important to study those. Even so, personality and behaviour should always come before physical stature in my book.

    People who say that V.I. is totally unreliable probably just lack a ready ability to grasp behavioural patterns and movements or once thought that you can totally type somone by just looking at a still picture of them, and decided it was BS because it did not work for them in that way. Sadly, there are people that way.

    I think many people, ENTps especially because of the way they assemytrically link concepts, can actually become really good at V.I. once they start to intuitivelly understand patterns in peoples behaviours and can pinpoint them.

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    I made a post on an exercise on how to learn the difference between intuitive and sensible types over at the forums ...

  4. #4


    The S/N eye focus and body posturing is the acceptable part of VI to me since it is actively controlled by the person (as opposed to physical genetics that we have no control over)-- especially the N eye thing. N's are never "quite there" lol. Although I do try to make eye contact when speaking to others as to not be rude.

  5. #5


    btw I had guessed Fe/Si for Meredith by function and contrast previous to seeing what you had thought.

  6. #6
    Waddlesworth's Avatar
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    Really, I think that the best way to learn V.I., for me, is to communicate with people, deduce their type, and then over time you will notice common characteristics. It's sorta like Tai Chi or something like that, it doesn't just come to you, but takes a while to hone in on. Rather than immediately deciding what a person is and saying "oh, this person is that type because they look like that person" you should identify their type and then from there work one into a system. V.I. seems to be more of an ethical thing "this person looks like a nice person that I can get along with" or "this person looks mean". Thats what socionics does, it is a logical method of charting how things interact. Feeling is an interaction of objects between one another. The logic should come after the relations have been clearly defined.

    And just because you are logical, for example, does not mean that you don't have any consciousness of ethics, it just means these ethics are weak and vulnerable and less consistent, especially in a changing environment. So really, let the relationship happen, then you will notice patterns.

    Since types have different values and interests the opinion of others should vary from person to person. It's more of a feeling, how their appearance makes you feel. Its about what people value.

    So, to conclude, don't stress yourself out over methods, the best method is already in you. "how does this person make me feel? Can they help me, do they understand me?"

    I think that this method should be a much purer and cleaner way for anyone because it doesn't make assumptions. Over time you become conditioned to associate unconsciously "Wow, she reminds me of my sister. I like my sister, so I will probably like her" or "He looks and acts just like my dad, my dad was an ass, I'll keep away from him"

    Is this always correct? no, but what you feel about people is very powerful and there are patterns in that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jadae
    btw I had guessed Fe/Si for Meredith by function and contrast previous to seeing what you had thought.
    Meredith Vieira is textbook ESFj ... she is one of the easier ones to type, IMO. Not everyone is so obvious to type so quickly, probably diffrent for her because she is public and talkative. I have known some ESFjs who were actually far more reserved and less talkative.

  8. #8
    Creepy-an ixtp (probably istp)


    I guess most people just judge by similarity to acquaintances or celebrities with known type, and no professional supervisor on most of those comparison.

    For example, I think he look like me (just frontal view).
    But I guess he's F from his remarks; softhearted, following other's enthusiasm rather than thinking objectively, a bit scatterbrained.

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