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Thread: Tales of Phantasia

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  1. #1
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    Default Tales of Phantasia
    For those of you who have played it, I've managed to type Cress as ENTj-INTp and Dhaos as ENTp-ISTp. I've managed to create a profile of ENTp-ISTp from my observations of the character, Dhaos.


    Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te
    Si -> Te -> Ni -> Fe -> Ne -> Fi -> Se -> Ti

    The Crafter of Invention accepts a role as an augmenter of force on
    behalf of activating dormant temporal limits and influencing the flow
    of time. In this adjusted timeframe the Crafter of Invention experiences new
    internal field statics that have been created by the presence of the
    limits. The presence of these field statics influences subjective
    perceptions of reality.

    In the context of these perceptions new field relationships are made
    available, each carrying with them a unique potential. The acceptance of
    the relationship which seems to offer the best potential influences general
    subjective perceptions, in the context of which poorly defined internal
    field statics are apparent. The presence of these field statics polarizies
    time flows by clustering energy flows and invoking active limits.
    The acknowledgement by the Crafter of Invention of those limits which
    they have personal knowledge of allows them to direct energy
    magnitudes toward the establishment of relational dynamics. The existence
    of these dynamics allows new external field statics to emerge.

    The existence of these field statics affords a spectrum of new potentials,
    each of which implies the emergence of one or more field dynamics. The
    selection of the most suitable potential engages these dynamics and creates
    a new external field static between them. The presence of this static
    engages relational conduits between objects, producing energy flows
    which upset existing balances of power. The Crafter of Invention chooses
    from among the new forces which to augment on behalf of activating
    limits, repeating the cycle.
    These characters are particularly interesting because both experience time travel during the course of the game: Cress travels into the past by the aid of magic and back into the future with the aid of technology; Dhaos moves forward into different points of future at will.

    Notice that Cress is an XNTx, particularly Einstein's quasi-identical. It seems beyond coincidence that the "hero of spacetime" is a part of what appears to be a "spacetime temperament."

  2. #2
    UDP's Avatar
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    Psst:( Tcau, typing SuperNintendoEntertainmentSystem characters with your type theory doesn't really make you look any more professional, reasonable, or reliable.)
    (Just an polr warning from one LII to another)
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  3. #3
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    UDP is right, although I mind you that even though nearly all the blazing accusatory type assholes who attempt to descredit people over petty things any idiot know should not be so serious have for the most part left since I took over the forum, it is still risky. In any case, I do not take kindly to that sort of behavior either, so as far as I am considered Tschaulldig can go one with his video game character typing all he wants and anyone who attempts to descredit him on account of that can go fly the birdy for all I care.

    Not sure if anybody wanted to know that, but that is something that is just not going to be tolerated here.

  4. #4
    Exodus's Avatar
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    Seems like everyone is a crosstype nowadays. I thought they were supposed to be relatively rare?

    (I'm not trying to attack you, seriously. I'm just wondering. )

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush
    Seems like everyone is a crosstype nowadays. I thought they were supposed to be relatively rare?

    (I'm not trying to attack you, seriously. I'm just wondering. )
    Perhaps some are rarer than others?

    I don't have a good count for the percentage of crosstypes in the general population, although there is little known about what I now recognize as a crosstype -- the direction of information metabolism by one type toward the production of information for another type -- as a matter of scientific research. (for that matter, not even Jung seems to have discussed this in any detail)

    Although it seems plausible that Jung may have been refering to functions of action, as opposed to information metabolism, when he discussed his psychological types.... (not sure though)

    I'm not really concerned about attacks... ESFps tend to like videogames and ESTps... well, there are elements of truth in every legend. These exaggerated characters and situations tell us about real people and situations, from what I can figure.

    For example, if one typed Sauron from LoTR, and found that he was a sadist, then one could conceivably refer to the treatment of Sauron's captives as a metaphor for the treatment of political dissidents in a country ruled by a sadist. (at the very least, it would be good propaganda.)

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