musician and Paul Simons current wife
can't find any good photos but you can see her well in this video (good song too)
I think ENFp (which fits with Paul Simons (supposedly) ISTp
musician and Paul Simons current wife
can't find any good photos but you can see her well in this video (good song too)
I think ENFp (which fits with Paul Simons (supposedly) ISTp
Funny you should bring her up. I was just thinking about her type. On the original Windows 95 cd, there was a music video of her doing "Goodtime". Something about her vibe struck me as really cool, and honestly I think she's ISFp-F. She seems Fe>Fi.
Check this out:
I would agree.
All Hail The Flying Spaghetti Monster
I was in love with her music in highschool. she's got such a pretty voice