I've been thinking about this lately. My type is ILE...with Si and Fe in the superid bloc. I notice that I have developed some skilled behaviors in these areas...I love to cook, to decorate, love love love fashion, like to have comfortable surroundings. I express my feelings easily now, where as in the past I did not. I am not artistic, but appreciate quality art of any kind and like to have it around whether it's music, paintings, decorating whatever.

I've developed these in the absence of my dual and these behaviors feel right to me. People comment that I am a good cook, have a great fashion sense, a good decorator. While not the Epicurean at the level of the isfp, I've grown better at some of these things over time.

I'm in my 40's....is this process a developmental thing? I started this stuff perhaps 20 years ago, so some things esp fashion took quite a bit of time.

What do we think about dual seeking behaviors? What are they? Do they change over time? Do they develop more rapidly in the absence of a dual?

comments, please....