Quote Originally Posted by FDG
A question: when I work with ISFjs they do the same with me, but I feel like it is a denial of trust towards me. I feel like they are saying "I know you won't do it so I have to remind you". How doesn't it feel like this to you?
Because she manages to only remind me of things that I also agree that should be done right now, only I'm not doing it . I don't see it as a denial of trust because, as I said, if I point out, "yes I know, but I really can't do it now because something hasn't been decided yet", she accepts it immediately. And she know that if she did say, "yes but this bit here does need to be done now, and it can be done", I will say "ah ok, that bit I can do".

I think it goes like this:

She looks at me and thinks, "I know he wants to do it, but he's now distracted, he needs reminding"
I look at her and think, "She's worried about the job being done on time, she needs reassuring that what can be done is being done".

Quote Originally Posted by FDG
I admit that my defensivness could be because effectively if they didn't remind me, I might forget about the work.
I would only get defensive if she'd say, "you don't want to do it, but it has to be done, and if I didn't remind you would never do it!"