Quote Originally Posted by crazedratXII View Post
No. You need to at least do something of some remote value. Legally conning your way into money is no different than being a criminal. It's also just taking the lazy route.. I understand he is SLE, but do you really need to stand up for him for that reason alone? Would you make money by ripping off prospective 19 year old models? It's pretty pathetic. What would be your purpose in life? No purpose ...
I don't see any difference between a gang banger and the worthless people on wallstreet who con their way into millions through technicalities. I actually see the investors as even more pathetic cuz they'll actually front as respectable.
This guy's not quite that pathetic, though.
You mean it's ethically no different than being a criminal? As in he's just as despicable? In any case, sure I'll concede that what he's doing is rather underhanded despite it being legal. As for it being lazy, right again I mean forwarding public information is pretty damn simple.

And no I wouldn't rip off 19 year old models. I'd prefer the challenge of legitimacy. Or at the very least a grander and more complicated scam. Like on matchstick men, that movie is cool as shit.

I'm not standing up for him because he's SLE I'm standing up for him because I want to have this conversation and it's not going to happen unless I take up devils advocate. In any case, yes he's a dick, yes he's underhanded but I hardly think this is anything to get worked up about. I mean what he's doing isn't surprising, isn't new, and isn't being done by only him. Shitty agents are all over the place, why prosecute the individual when the whole group is at fault? It just seems naive to me to think that the removal of this one person from the situation will solve a problem that's been around long before this ass-hat. This man is a symptom, not the disease. You can cure the symptoms but at the end of the day until you cure the disease anything you do isn't going to have any lasting, or worthwhile effect. The symptoms will just keep coming back until the disease is cured.

Besides, If 19 year old girls with their heads in the stars can't be bothered to take following their dreams seriously and do a little research which would quickly reveal that the two things you never do when it comes to agents are A) Pay anything up front, or before you get the job and B) Never sign any contract with compensation that exceeds 10% of the income from the job that the agent got you (Or sign anything until your agent has actually gotten you a job for that matter), then I think I'm entitled to a little chuckle.

EDIT: Also I demand proof that life actually requires a purpose cause that's a conversation I'm even more interested in.