Are the photo references on this site correct? Just curious...because I'm not that good at type identification.
Are the photo references on this site correct? Just curious...because I'm not that good at type identification.
No way. Just an intuitive response, but a lot of those seem way off. I do however trust many of the type/celeb assesments on However there are not many there for each type.
Exactly. "VI galleries" is a misnomer. Although... the fact that someone has a photo gallery suggests that they consider the photos significantly relevant to the type. I just cringe at my pages being put in the same category as wackos who type entirely based on physical appearance. I'm not saying the links here are in that category (though could be), but with a little more digging, you could easily dig up some other sites that have a very low typing correlation to,, and, which are based on compatible socionics paradigms.
I think that what those galleries most effectively demonstrate is that there is no connection between socionic type and appearance
Last edited by Rick; 12-10-2008 at 12:42 AM.
It is easier for the eye of a camel to pass through a rich man than for a needle to enter the kingdom of heaven.
- (Filatova)
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Socionics Tests Database
List of Socionics sites
Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 03-13-2012 at 02:48 AM. Reason: updated
An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI
♫ 31.9FM KICE Radio ♫ *56K Warning*
My work on Inert/Contact subtypes
Socionics Visual Identification(V.I.) Database
Socionics Tests Database
Comprehensive List of Socionics Sites
Fidei Defensor
An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI
♫ 31.9FM KICE Radio ♫ *56K Warning*
My work on Inert/Contact subtypes
Socionics Visual Identification(V.I.) Database
Socionics Tests Database
Comprehensive List of Socionics Sites
Fidei Defensor
An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI
♫ 31.9FM KICE Radio ♫ *56K Warning*
My work on Inert/Contact subtypes
Socionics Visual Identification(V.I.) Database
Socionics Tests Database
Comprehensive List of Socionics Sites
Fidei Defensor
#6 seems to be down. Up as of Nov-18-2011
Updated with #11:,42/
This site is a part of a main project with 16 sub sites for each type, but they all store the same photo galleries.
Main site:,42/
Last edited by EyeSeeCold; 11-21-2011 at 09:07 AM.
An ILI at rest tends to remain at rest
and an ILI in motion is probably not an ILI
♫ 31.9FM KICE Radio ♫ *56K Warning*
My work on Inert/Contact subtypes
Socionics Visual Identification(V.I.) Database
Socionics Tests Database
Comprehensive List of Socionics Sites
Fidei Defensor
You're a storehouse of cataloged information (Te)
Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?
I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE
Best description of functions:
Anatoly Fomenko as ILI, hmm. Too bad there are no interviews of him on youtube to determine whether he fits the mold. At the risk of wasting money and contaminating my brain with disinformation it's long been tempting to spring for a copy of his multi-volume pseudohistory, but so far my good sense has prevailed. At least the cosmic surreality of his artwork can be enjoyed without the dangers that his writing presents. And interestingly enough, he's a member in good standing of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the same clearinghouse of cranks and quacks that rewarded Aunt Aushra with a diploma of dubious value for her discovery of socionics. Small world.
Some of your entries are not about VI, you should ask authors about their main method or not say that all of them are using VI as main method. Plus, many english-speakers associate "VI" with its Ganin's interpretation, while there're not so many typers who use phisiognomy, but they may use VI in genereal meaning.
Look at lists collection here, you may find new entries.
Who says that the links posted have to explicitly follow any VI method at all? As far as I'm concerned, all that really has to be put forth is a list of faces with a type thrown on top of them and let people draw their own conclusions. If one goes off of VI alone, there's no way of checking it against anything else for accuracy.
I happen to believe in Visual Identification as one method of identifying personality types. I think it works in about 80% of the cases that I've personally typed. There is no way to prove this, but it is my opinion.
I also tend to type by avatar pictures. Unfortunately, I really can't explain what it is that I'm seeing, so my methods of identification are hidden even from myself.
In any case, I'd like to extend my sources of typing to comic strips. The first strip that I thought might have an identifiable writer was Oglaf, and even though the strip has two authors, I think the strip is EIE.
I believe that "XKCD"s author, Randall Munroe, is LIE. He is interested in science in all of its forms, and he tries to condense the ideas down to a few brief, clear panels.
I think the author of "Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal" is ILE.
I think the author of the strip "Poorly Drawn Lines" is ESI e6, as is the author of "Heart and Brain".
I have no logical arguments for any of this, but you might check out the strips and see what you think.
Dunno about avatars. I don’t tend to invest a great deal of thought in mine. I wouldn’t say they’re a reflection of my personality but images of things or people I think are interesting. My current one is the top of a Zoroastrian Tower of Silence. Not that it’s easy to see whai it is, or the dead bodies inside. Mostly haven’t changed it yet because I haven’t come across any more interesting choice yet.
There is no need to believe. VI has objective experimental proof to have efficiency possibly close to primarily T methods as questionnaires. The efficiency depends on skills too.
VI is principally better than T approach where is
- the lack of types specific data when you can't use special typing methods as questionnaires/interviews and behavior analysis. When you type people which are not close to you to know them good or to offer specific typing ways.
- when the data is doubtful to be true. For example, when are typed people which know types theory to be able to play the types they prefer by emotional reasons.
- you need to suppose types quickly alike when you type random people in public places. to notice potentially good IR people to deal then, for example. VI gives info in several seconds and may give assuread opinion in minutes of random talking.
About lists of famouses. They all are made based on low quality data for T analysis, except when used VI with video interviews. Besides general low typing match problem of today methods. The low accuracy of such lists would be more clear in case typers had no significant conformism to agree with others. At best those lists have accuracy close to normal typing methods, so it should be <40-50% anyway. When I checked some lists by the match with my opinion - they got at best ~40% with me, what correlates with average expected accuracy from experiments.
In the past VI was criticized as having no objective basis, - intuitive = wrong, kind of not scientific. My experiment of 2015 have given the proof for VI to be useful for typing. There was no such proof done before. Though VI was used widely and was its elements were described by Augustinavichiute from the start. It was clear that to see people and their photos helps to type them. That nonverbal behavior has types related data.
Also there is physiognomy VI what is different should be bs indeed, and the ones who use physiognomy may use the both VI approaches what makes harder to understand the situation. Also as any method - it needs studing, skills to be good enough in results. The only way to study it is own mistakes and examples, - there is no book to read and to know it all - it may take long time of practice to study VI for good level.
Having it all at now, the main who still rejects VI as useful method are types role-players (as to play the needed types in nonverbal is much harder) and Se types for which VI approach with Ne is hard to like. The second - are those who likes to play by words to proof own opinions, as you it's not possibly to say significantly about typing process by VI to argue with.
VI is the next level in typology. It greatly speeds up the process of typing. My VI templates not only speed up the process of typing but drastically increases accuracy. Ausra's VI templates are positively horrid. Expat sucks at typing. Socionix' galleries are pretty good.
There's a lot of fake socionics. They hate Jung and VI. Opposition to VI is a very emasculated position. HotelAmbush peddles fake socionics. Then you have the occasional Jack Oliver Aaron sockpuppet or migrants from bullshit socionics society. turned into an outpost for the Ausra lackey cult of fake socionics.
The best socionics resources for typing in real time come out of Smilexian Socionics, Socionix and Stackemup Typology (Socionics-side). In contrast, the Russians were never able to innovate socionics with high quality VI templates. The russians only present low quality, two-dimensional templates.
As far as the enneagram, I brought VI to the enneagram. My VI templates for each stacking is untouchable. VI was never highly regarded in enneagram like in Socionics. Stackemup Typology (enneagram-side) is the 5g revolution of enneagram. Besides my high-quality, three dimensional VI templates for every stacking, the rest of the stuff out there is total low-quality, two-dimensional shit (the drawings posted on this site years ago are very low-quality and two-dimensional)....then you have imitators that just take my templates and try to rearrange in, my template for sx/sp becomes their template for sp/sx. They will get theirs.