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Thread: Partner satisfaction as measured by MBTI

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    Default Partner satisfaction as measured by MBTI

    I read this article somewhere. Interesting.

    by Nancy S. Marioles, Ph.D.

    St. Mary's University researchers, headed by psychologist Nancy S.Marioles, Ph.D asked 426 married and pre married couples to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator which measures peoples preferences on how they relate to the world. The authors then compared each type with each spouses' marital satisfaction. A person can have four different types that determine how they deal with the world.

    One can be either extroverted or introverted. Extroverted people prefer to relate to people in the outer world rather relating to the inner world of ideas which Introverted people prefer. A Sensing person likes to have known facts to make decisions whereas an iNtuitive person prefers to look for possibilities and relationships that aren't apparent to make decisions. Thinking types like to base their judgments on interpersonal analysis and logic, and Feeling types like to base their judgments more on personal values. Finally, Judging types like a planned, decided and orderly way of life compared to Perceiving types who like a flexible, spontaneous way of life.

    The couples were monitored over a seven-year period to determine marital behavior and predictors of satisfaction and divorce. The authors examined how many times each person was married, the length of the marriage, changes of marital status and sources of marital satisfaction and irritation.

    The couples, said Dr. Marioles, were most satisfied in their marriage if they both could confide in their mate, share outside interests, calmly discuss and exchange ideas. Premarital couples needed to satisfy those areas plus be able to plan together, question each other and kiss each other.

    The authors found very little evidence that opposites marry. The only exceptions were ESTJ men married to INFP women and ESTP men married to INFJ women. These two types of men, said the authors, were also the two types who had been married the most often.Men who were INFPs, INFJs and INTPs most often married a female with the same psychological type. Women, on the other hand, who were ENFJs and INFJs married men with the same type.

    The researchers also found that female feeling types (mostly ESFJs) were married the longest and that female thinking types (mostly INTP) were married the fewest number of years. Perceiving types were more likely to have divorced than judging types. Extroverts tended to be more satisfied with their relationships than Introverts which didn't take into account their length of marriage or how many times they had been married.

    "Our research and the overall trend," said Dr. Marioles,"supports the likelihood that people are more likely to be attracted to and marry someone of the same type then they are a person of the opposite type."

    Women were dissatisfied with the marriage most often (33 percent) when they were married to a man who was an INTP; 31 percent were dissatisfied when they were married to an INFP; and 22 percent were dissatisfied when they were married to an ISFP. Only 13 percent of the men were dissatisfied when the women were an ENFJ and 12 percent of the men were dissatisfied when the women were an ENFP.

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    how did they determine the types per this study?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Diana
    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17
    how did they determine the types per this study?
    asked 426 married and pre married couples to take the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
    thanks; missed that.

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    these results would be interesting to try to interpret from a socionics point of view. a lot of the introverts as defined by mbti would be of a different type, according to socionics.


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    That supports the INFj/p switch I think.
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    Finally, Judging types like a planned, decided and orderly way of life compared to Perceiving types who like a flexible, spontaneous way of life.

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    Also, it would be very interesting to see the results of those people's type indicator's if they had taken them prior to meeting or becoming involved.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joy
    Also, it would be very interesting to see the results of those people's type indicator's if they had taken them prior to meeting or becoming involved.
    Yeah I kind of imagine these couples sitting together discussing the test as they take it.
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    Even if they didn't discuss it, they would have most likely been thinking of the other when they took it.

    Also, the article should be called "MBTI types ability to choose partners well" or something like that.

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice View Post

    The couples... were most satisfied ....
    I was wondering how to mesure satisfaction. (I'm preparing my thesys and I just joined this great forum and can't get enough of reading ...) I wan't to show if the types present in a pre-marital couple, could influence partners satisfaction, but beside case-study I couldn't think of smth else.


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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    That supports the INFj/p switch I think.
    It does indeed. I don't think it takes much for an EII to test as INFP, in fact, I think most will.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sunshine Lively View Post
    these results would be interesting to try to interpret from a socionics point of view. a lot of the introverts as defined by mbti would be of a different type, according to socionics.
    No. As you know, many people's MBTI test results are the same as their correct types in Socionics on all, or at least most, of the four scales. Most socionic introverts score as Is in MBTI, and most socionics extraverts score as Es in MBTI.

    It would still interesting to try to interpret these results from a Socionics point of view, but not for the reasons you think.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    It does indeed. I don't think it takes much for an EII to test as INFP, in fact, I think most will.
    Yes, but that is common knowledge in Metatypology. The reverse is of course not true: most IEIs will not test as INFJs but as INFPs.

    That a persons tests as INFP doesnt' mean that the person is an INFP. It is not uncommon that a person tests as INFP but then realizes that he or she really is an INFJ after having compared the type descriptions. And every typing in MBTI is incomplete until a thorough comparison between type descriptions has been made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    Yes, but that is common knowledge in Metatypology. The reverse is of course not true: most IEIs will not test as INFJs but as INFPs.

    That a persons tests as INFP doesnt' mean that the person is an INFP. It is not uncommon that a person tests as INFP but then realizes that he or she really is an INFJ after having compared the type descriptions. And every typing in MBTI is incomplete until a thorough comparison between type descriptions has been made.
    I think this is due to the combination of two non-well-defined functions such as Fi and Ne, along with reasonable preference over resolute. Given that the INFp has also two non-well-defined functions as strongest, a resolute over reasonable but is an irrational type, then it makes sense that the property we're discussing about is nonreflexive.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Valentina View Post
    I was wondering how to mesure satisfaction. (I'm preparing my thesys and I just joined this great forum and can't get enough of reading ...) I wan't to show if the types present in a pre-marital couple, could influence partners satisfaction, but beside case-study I couldn't think of smth else.

    Hi, welcome. Are you going to use socionics in your thesis, or you're looking at other typologies?
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    what about IEIs? do most of them test as INFJ?
    I wouldn't think so, although I did know - even date, briefly - an IEI woman who tested as INFJ. But I think it's an exception.

    If you look at MBTI statistics based on test results, I think they usually give INFJ as one of the rarest types, perhaps the very rarest. So unless one would think that IEIs are very very rare, that already makes it unlikely.

    Personally I think that the type most likely to test as INFJ in MBTI is a particular kind of EIE, the ones who have a self-image, perhaps even a bit "aristocratic" in the non-socionics meaning of the term, of being stand-offish and reserved.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    If you look at MBTI statistics based on test results, I think they usually give INFJ as one of the rarest types, perhaps the very rarest. So unless one would think that IEIs are very very rare, that already makes it unlikely.
    Yes, that's one possible explanation for the phenomenon. We would expect most IEIs to test as INFPs, and we would also expect many EIIs to test as INFPs as well, and that would result in incorrect type statistics. But on the other hand, EIIs probably are one of the rarest types nevertheless, so it's not that easy to determine to what degree this is a problem.

    EIIs in general are, just as LIIs, much more slim than the average person. They have a rather uncommon body type, which in itself is a proof that the types are not equally distributed, and that we probably should expect the EII (and the LII too for that matter) too be pretty much as uncommon as they are said to be.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    EIIs in general are, just as LIIs, much more slim than the average person.
    I presume, this comes from some type description? By relying on ambiguous and relative terms ("in general", "more than average") without first defining the comparatives or the domain (in this case, what is the "average person;" in which locality,) the statement itself is completely useless and its truth cannot be determined.

    Specifically: how slim is an average person? And, where? In Soviet Union, not very slim at all. In USA, even less so. In Italy (north,) quite slim, especially for females. In Sweden, quite slim, assuming a male (Swedish females are larger than Italian females.)

    They have a rather uncommon body type, which in itself is a proof that the types are not equally distributed, and that we probably should expect the EII (and the LII too for that matter) too be pretty much as uncommon as they are said to be.
    Starting from a premise of dubitable value, you now make some conclusions? I hope you realize that any conclusion is by the definition invalid; any accidental truth to such a conclusion is exactly that, a random accident.

    I wonder if that is the reasoning that makes for LII (male)/ESE (female) typing of Sweden on some (Russian) socionist websites?
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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye View Post
    I presume, this comes from some type description?
    No, of course not. It comes from real life observations of the types, both mine and others. If you learn V.I. you will realize that most of the celebrities in the type galleries fit this pattern. Every single one of the LIIs I have met in real life and typed thoroughly fits the pattern, and every single EII I have met also fits the pattern. I am not saying that every LII or EII necessarily must be slim, but the general pattern can't be ignored, and that it also happens to be mentioned in some type descriptions is of course not an objection to what I am saying.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    By relying on ambiguous and relative terms ("in general", "more than average") without first defining the comparatives or the domain (in this case, what is the "average person;" in which locality,) the statement itself is completely useless and its truth cannot be determined.
    Then obviously you have either not paying attention to the body types of the LIIs and EIIs you have met in real life, or you have mistyped some people.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    Specifically: how slim is an average person? And, where? In Soviet Union, not very slim at all. In USA, even less so. In Italy (north,) quite slim, especially for females. In Sweden, quite slim, assuming a male (Swedish females are larger than Italian females.)
    This is not about how slim you are, it is about which body type you have. You would immediately know what I am talking about if you had seen it in real life. It is a totally obvious correlation between body type and Socioncs type. LIIs and EIIs would have to work very hard in order to get fat, they don't have it "in their blood" so to say. They are not predestined to get fat. Compare with SP types, who are much more prone to get fat due to their different body type(s).

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    Starting from a premise of dubitable value, you now make some conclusions? I hope you realize that any conclusion is by the definition invalid; any accidental truth to such a conclusion is exactly that, a random accident.
    This is not a conclusion, it's an observation. And it is a clear example of the phenomenon that I know what I am talking about, whereas you don't because you haven't studied the phenomenon and you haven't studied the literature.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    I wonder if that is the reasoning that makes for LII (male)/ESE (female) typing of Sweden on some (Russian) socionist websites?
    No, it's not. The reasons for typing Sweden as LII are solely based on other factors, which I have commented upon a long time ago. It is correct to type Sweden as LII if you study Swedish mentality, but I don't have time to say more about this right now.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    No, of course not. It comes from real life observations of the types, both mine and others. If you learn V.I. you will realize that most of the celebrities in the type galleries fit this pattern. Every single one of the LIIs I have met in real life and typed thoroughly fits the pattern, and every single EII I have met also fits the pattern. I am not saying that every LII or EII necessarily must be slim, but the general pattern can't be ignored, and that it also happens to be mentioned in some type descriptions is of course not an objection to what I am saying.
    I think you're mixing cause and effect here.
    Then obviously you have either not paying attention to the body types of the LIIs and EIIs you have met in real life, or you have mistyped some people.
    Alternatively, I do not place such weight (pun intentional) on the weight of the person I am typing. This possibility, apparently eludes you.
    This is not about how slim you are, it is about which body type you have. You would immediately know what I am talking about if you had seen it in real life. It is a totally obvious correlation between body type and Socioncs type. LIIs and EIIs would have to work very hard in order to get fat, they don't have it "in their blood" so to say. They are not predestined to get fat. Compare with SP types, who are much more prone to get fat due to their different body type(s).
    Feeling of causes and effects being mixed reinforced.

    Can you entertain a hypothesis that, rather than body type causing the socionic type, it is the socionic type (more and less valued pieces of information) that influence a particular look/weight? This hypothesis cannot easily be disproved by the existence of identic twins with different socionic types; yours can.
    This is not a conclusion, it's an observation. And it is a clear example of the phenomenon that I know what I am talking about, whereas you don't because you haven't studied the phenomenon and you haven't studied the literature.
    It was worded as a conclusion. Since I cannot read your mind, I can only go by the written word. I hope you realize the importance thereof.
    No, it's not. The reasons for typing Sweden as LII are solely based on other factors, which I have commented upon a long time ago. It is correct to type Sweden as LII if you study Swedish mentality, but I don't have time to say more about this right now.
    I will not go into that; Sweden did not feel LII at all, but I haven't lived there long enough. If anything, it was permeated by the "holier than thou" attitude, something I deeply despise; the "we are right, because we say so" attitude, "we know best, just because," and so on. Just like yours, in fact
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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye View Post
    I think you're mixing cause and effect here.
    No, I'm definitely not. This is how the types are. You can learn it, You can accept it, or you can be forever ignorant. Your choice.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    Alternatively, I do not place such weight (pun intentional) on the weight of the person I am typing. This possibility, apparently eludes you.
    Which means that the risk is greater that you will mistype those people, because you ignore an important aspect of their types. You simply don't know enough about V.I.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    Feeling of causes and effects being mixed reinforced.
    Or we could say that you are an idiot, because you don't check the facts before you open your mouth.

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    Can you entertain a hypothesis that, rather than body type causing the socionic type, it is the socionic type (more and less valued pieces of information) that influence a particular look/weight? This hypothesis cannot easily be disproved by the existence of identic twins with different socionic types; yours can.
    Your thinking is muddles. I haven't said anything about what is causing what. It is not relevant here. What is relevant is the correlation between body type and Socionics type.

    And there are no identical twins with different Socionics types. That is impossible. If they existed, they would prove that Socionics is a false theory. (But of course that is still a slight possibility.)

    Quote Originally Posted by emeye
    It was worded as a conclusion. Since I cannot read your mind, I can only go by the written word. I hope you realize the importance thereof.
    If I claim something to be true by making a statement, I am not therefore necessarily drawing a conclusion. A conclusion requires premises and a logical argument. An observation is just what it is. If I see that something is true, I am not drawing a conclusion, I just state a fact.

    I will not go into that; Sweden did not feel LII at all, but I haven't lived there long enough. If anything, it was permeated by the "holier than thou" attitude, something I deeply despise; the "we are right, because we say so" attitude, "we know best, just because," and so on. Just like yours, in fact
    I am totally different than the average Swede. I am the opposite of a patriot.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Phaedrus View Post
    And there are no identical twins with different Socionics types. That is impossible.
    LOL! (in the office, too)

    This really made my day--thanks for the laugh
    If they existed, they would prove that Socionics is a false theory. (But of course that is still a slight possibility.)
    The only conclusion I can draw from here is that the "Phaedrus' socionics" is not the same as mine. I would posit that many other members of this forum would agree; I cannot claim about audiences wider than this forum, as I have not recently communicated with them. I can only say that Phaedrus' socionics seems quite bizarre to me.

    Socionics is at best a weak hypothesis; it is virtually impossible to measure objectively, at least at the current level of measurement technology. It has a long way to go to reach the level of theory.
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    ok i'm going to put this into socionics language assuming the introverted j/p switch is in effect. then perhaps we can discuss these results more reasonably.

    The only exceptions were ESTJ men married to INFP women and ESTP men married to INFJ women. These two types of men, said the authors, were also the two types who had been married the most often.Men who were INFPs, INFJs and INTPs most often married a female with the same psychological type. Women, on the other hand, who were ENFJs and INFJs married men with the same type.
    OK, so from this, taking into account the j/p switch, we could say that LSE men are married often to EII women, and SLE men are married to IEI women. we could say that male IEI's and ILI's marry their identical. we could say that female EIE's and IEI's marry their identical. we would also say that SLE and LSE men have more marriages.

    The researchers also found that female feeling types (mostly ESFJs) were married the longest and that female thinking types (mostly INTP) were married the fewest number of years. Perceiving types were more likely to have divorced than judging types. Extroverts tended to be more satisfied with their relationships than Introverts which didn't take into account their length of marriage or how many times they had been married.
    we could say here that female ESE's are married the longest and that female LII's are married the fewest number of years.

    Women were dissatisfied with the marriage most often (33 percent) when they were married to a man who was an INTP; 31 percent were dissatisfied when they were married to an INFP; and 22 percent were dissatisfied when they were married to an ISFP. Only 13 percent of the men were dissatisfied when the women were an ENFJ and 12 percent of the men were dissatisfied when the women were an ENFP.
    here, we could say that women are more dissatisfied when their partner is an LII or an IEI or an ESI. men are more disatisfied with EIE women and IEE women, if at all.


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    Quote Originally Posted by emeye View Post
    LOL! (in the office, too)

    This really made my day--thanks for the laugh

    The only conclusion I can draw from here is that the "Phaedrus' socionics" is not the same as mine. I would posit that many other members of this forum would agree; I cannot claim about audiences wider than this forum, as I have not recently communicated with them. I can only say that Phaedrus' socionics seems quite bizarre to me.

    Socionics is at best a weak hypothesis; it is virtually impossible to measure objectively, at least at the current level of measurement technology. It has a long way to go to reach the level of theory.
    He's said that before too. He completely lacks imagination. He assumes it is 100% genetic. It could be random. It could be partially genetic - like there could be a genetic element, but it could otherwise be random. It could be some womb environment thing, and identical twins can have different weights at birth so it's possible their womb environment could be slightly different as they're located in different areas of the womb. It could be some combination, and there could be other factors I haven't thought of.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Slacker Mom View Post
    He's said that before too. He completely lacks imagination. He assumes it is 100% genetic. It could be random. It could be partially genetic - like there could be a genetic element, but it could otherwise be random. It could be some womb environment thing, and identical twins can have different weights at birth so it's possible their womb environment could be slightly different as they're located in different areas of the womb. It could be some combination, and there could be other factors I haven't thought of.
    Which is why I call it "Phaedrus' Socionics." It seems to be based on a premise that types are purely genetic, and mental functions are reflection of physique. There may be other premises I have not been able to detect so far. Frankly, these premises sound quite bizarre to me.

    Complete and a priori rejection of alternative scenaria and data that does support the hypothesis is something I find really strange. It is not likely to be related to autism, before someone attempts to make that connection: I am autistic (aspie,) and do not seem to have these problems (I do have your typical aspie problems, but this is a separate matter.)
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    Something else that occurred to me - my pediatrician told me that children's brains don't finish developing until they're like 3 or something. So type could be partially or totally not decided until after birth.

    The assumption that there are strong relationships between physical attributes and type is pretty silly.
    It ain't what you don't know that gets you into trouble. It's what you know for sure that just ain't so.
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    You can't wake a person who is pretending to be asleep.

  28. #28


    @Slacker Mum..your right..there's research (which I think i've touched on recently here on another post) which suggests personality (and psychological temperament) start to occur within the womb.

    @ Phaedrus, I have understood and agreed (at the risk of flying against popular opinion I suppose) with most of the things you say here. However, could you provide a little more info on your view of genetic twins having identical psychological types..Is that what you meant? It would be interesting, thanks.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Expat View Post
    Hi, welcome. Are you going to use socionics in your thesis, or you're looking at other typologies?
    Yes, I'm very much interested in using socionics in my thesis, unfortunately I could find only one single book about socionics here in Romania and it makes it very difficult.... I would like to apply the intertype relation theory wich mostly draw my attention. I would like to point out how the psychological types influence couple satisfaction, basically the interraction between the two - intertype relation for socionists.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Valentina
    Yes, I'm very much interested in using socionics in my thesis, unfortunately I could find only one single book about socionics here in Romania and it makes it very difficult.... I would like to apply the intertype relation theory wich mostly draw my attention. I would like to point out how the psychological types influence couple satisfaction, basically the interraction between the two - intertype relation for socionists.
    Depending on how many years you have, it might take too long for you to learn to type people IRL. There are no reliable tests for measuring socionics types. Although socionics would be a great topic for a thesis, it might be more trouble than it's worth. Most of the material is in russian (hopefully you speak it. I don't even though 30&#37; of people here are russians) and it's all a mix of multiple theories. There are many different models that describe the types, many socionicists have made observations which conflict classic socionics and they changed all the definitions of socionics...

    If you just use socionics as a side-talk and an explanation for different observations then it's all okay, but when you start writing a thesis, you'll soon realize that all the best stuff were written by "someone" on the internet in either the forum, personal websites or wikisocion. And it's not a good policy to use wikipedia material in a thesis.

    BTW, glad to have you in the forum and I think you look quite INFj (rather than INFp) in the avatar.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
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    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people do find themselves attracted to or marrying people of similar/same "types." I think it might be a sort of default for people to be attracted to others who are "like them," not realizing that if they branched out, they might ("surprisingly") find it can work, or possibly even work better than sticking to people who are more like them.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Loki View Post
    It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people do find themselves attracted to or marrying people of similar/same "types." I think it might be a sort of default for people to be attracted to others who are "like them," not realizing that if they branched out, they might ("surprisingly") find it can work, or possibly even work better than sticking to people who are more like them.
    another aspect of the same story - I find that my new cool ISTj friend is amazingly similar to me! For a long time I was confused that she might be INFp. I initially typed her INFj before I knew her.
    EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
    E3 (probably 3w4)

    Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiina View Post
    ... Although socionics would be a great topic for a thesis, it might be more trouble than it's worth. ....
    You're right, I don't have neither the time nor the scientific fundamentals for using socionics as a topic.....sadly I don't even know Russian, I'm using the online translation web sites to be able to read more....and available sites in English of course...

    And yes, I would like to refer to socionics as side talk bec I think it could be helpful in my thesis. And this way I'll probably catch my teachers interest

    ... I think you look quite INFj (rather than INFp) in the avatar.
    funny to mention that.....when I was taken that picture I was in a "judgmental state of mind" given that particular context ....btw I do believe that p and j are oscillatory

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