From my crosstypes site:
In the context of this improved model I have revised the crosstype listing.Over the past several months I have managed to rework the crosstype/undifferentiation theory into a form which is consistent and complimentary to socionics information metabolism theory. With this advance the theory attains increased structural rigor, reliability, and validity.
The new model interprets crosstype phenomenon as a synthesis of two personalities in the same person, a master and a slave. The master personality is believed to accept information on behalf of its influence on the slave.
Each of these personalities is defined by a socionics type, progressing in order from a dominant base function to a recessive function of determination in an indefinite predetermined cycle. As with socionics, each of the functions is observed to play a role in the personality's observation relative to their position in the cycle. The slave type is viewed as interpreting information in the context of the master's functioning, progressing alongside the master in the function cycle.
Because the potential for influence on the slave is the guiding principle by which the master determines its observations, the slave can be said to be a system of action which the master exercises absolute control over: by accepting observations, the master personality compells the slave to act. These actions create the environment observed by the master personality.Code:MASTER [Base] -> [Creative] -> [Role] -> [Place of Least Resistance] || || || || \/ \/ \/ \/ SLAVE [Base] -> [Creative] -> [Role] -> [Place of Least Resistance]
The master-slave principle of personality allows us to arrive at 240 possible combinations, including the 16 non-crosstypes as identical master/slave personalities. From the remaining 224 we observe the crosstype spectrum of personality.Code:[Base] -> [Creative] -> [Role] -> [Place of Least Resistance] | | | || | || | || | || \/ | \/ | \/ | \/ | | | [Base]_| [Creative]_| [Role]_| [Place of Least Resistance]
(notice I no longer speak of crosstypes in this list, but rather "specialized" types) I use the standardized type descriptors posted on Wikipedia.
Something worth point out, too, is ENTp-ISTj: Investigator of Invention. The function order for this type (mental track) is:
Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi
Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Ne
What I mean to suggest by this is that there are master-slave pairings that, to the uncritical eye, are indistiguishable from Model A. I'm not saying that Ashura Augusta was this type definitively, but the possibility does seem plausible.
The following is an analysis of the functions in this model: what they do, how they interact, and how function ordering influences their manifestation. (much is taken from Model A; in fact, Model A fits right in as half of it.)
First, an abstraction of the relationship between acceptor and producer:
Next, a discussion of the specifics of each stage in the function cycle, and how the stages relate to each other.
Acceptor Master: a point of choice between observations of information,
contingent upon the information's influence on the acceptor slave.
Acceptor Slave: an energy released at the behest of the acceptor master.
Producer Master: a byproduct of the acceptor slave that is observed.
Producer Slave: an energy released by the information processed by the
producer master.
The following is a psychic model of interaction between the master and the slave.Base Master: the beginning of the function cycle; chooses information
to perceive contingent upon its influence on the energy produced by the
base slave.
Base Slave: produces energy from the information chosen by the base master.
Creative Master: observes information created by the work of the base slave.
Creative Slave: releases energy with information created by the creative
Role Master: accepts a role contingent on the opportunity to influence
the role slave.
Role Slave: releases energy in the capacity of the role master.
PoLR Master: observes a new reality created by the work of the role slave.
PoLR Slave: a reaction response to the observation of the PoLR master which
transforms reality.
Suggestive Master:
function is uncertain of where awareness of energy comes.
Suggestive Slave:
function is uncertain of why it is releasing the energy it is.
Estimative Master:
function has little understanding of its own observations or its influence.
Estimative Slave:
function has little understanding of the energies it releases.
Personal Knowledge Master:
a false acceptor; only one candidate for observation will be considered.
Personal Knowledge Slave:
an energy that exists only by the continued support of its master.
Determination Master:
observes information created by the work of the personal knowledge slave:
an observation of one's personal influence on the world.
Determination Slave:
a reaction response to the observation of the determination master.
Base Master:
a latent energy is acknowledged as present within an object or objects.
Base Slave:
a specific latent energy is released into the flow of time.
Creative Master:
a latent energy is created within an object or objects. This energy is always
created from an existing energy, per the Law of Energy Conservation.
Creative Slave:
a latent energy is released whose character is independent of the base master.
Role Master:
a latent energy is acknowledged as a factor of role.
Role Slave:
a latent energy is released whose nature is dependent upon the role of the
PoLR Master:
the creation of a latent energy is observed as an immediately apparent aspect
of reality.
PoLR Slave:
a latent energy is released into the flow of time whose presence is immediately
Suggestive Master:
Indiscriminantly perceives information elements from across the psyche, including
its subjective quarters.
Suggestive Slave:
indiscriminantly transmutes psychic information into activity.
Estimative Master:
indescriminantly transfers information into the psyche.
Estimative Slave:
indescriminantly transmutes information into psychic activity.
Personal Knowledge Master:
observes individual consitutent elements of a definite kind within a subjective
Personal Knowledge Slave:
actualizes an information element as activity within a subjective psyche.
Determination Master:
transfers an information element from a subjective psyche to the objective psyche.
Determination Slave:
tranlates a subjective psychic activity into the domain of the objective psyche.
Finally, the specifics of function manifestations as they relate to the function order.
In the context of dual-Model A types, we can see that there is a continuous transformation of content between the master and slave personalities. It's comparable to the theory of relativity's postulation that energy may be transformed into matter, and vice versa; indeed, relativity could be thought of as a perception of this very process of transformation.
a possible sequence of progressions is reckoned.
a new timeline emerges that is not necessarily dependent on the old one.
the course of history is immediately changed; however, its flow is contingent
upon the master function's will.
a latent energy is perceived within an object or objects.
an energy is sealed within an object or objects.
a specific latent energy is released from within an object or objects,
influencing chronologically subsequent phenomena.
a quantity is acknowledged by the acceptor.
the producer observes an increase in the magnitude of one or more quantities.
the quality of a selected force is increased, possibly upsetting a pre-existant
balance of powers.
the presence of a relationship is observed between fields.
a ground for interaction is created between fields.
a specific interaction is engaged between certain fields.
a static state of stable occurance is observed.
a static of occurance emerges.
a specific energy is transmuted into an immediately apparent field static.
a bind is acknowledged between the accepter and the acceptee by which a produced
energy exchange attribute may be shared.
a form of energy exchange is attributed to an object or objects.
an opportunity to share a specific binding energy is shared between two or
more objects.
the presence of an internal field characteristic is acknowledged.
an internal static of character is established within a field.
a persistent energy static is created of definite strength and character.
The acceptor chooses a specific subjective experience to acknowledge.
A subjective perception is observed by the producer.
a targeted subjective perception is created of precise appearance and
Let's look at how the functions manifest with respect to function order, starting with
EDIT 03/05/07: Added descriptions of manifestations.
Notes on the production of :
Although production is accomplished by the sealing of an existing
energy within objects, the function itself is experienced as the perception
of a possibility. How can this be? The relationship between perception and
sealing lies in the phemenological interrelation of either: to perceive a
possibility, one must be intimately aware of the energies which underlie it.
The act of sealing these energies within an object is the act of
intimation with them. As the energies are sealed, they are apprehended in the
mind as visualized manifestations of occurance. Thus they are realized as
possible even as they are removed from the flow of time, and thus made
difficult to attain. Only by the action of an slave function may a sealed
energy be released.
Base Master:
a latent energy is acknowledged as present within an object or objects.
Base Slave:
a specific latent energy is released into the flow of time.
Creative Master:
a latent energy is created within an object or objects. This energy is always
created from an existing energy, per the Law of Energy Conservation.
Creative Slave:
a latent energy is released whose character is independent of the base master.
Role Master:
a latent energy is acknowledged as a factor of role.
Role Slave:
a latent energy is released whose nature is dependent upon the role of the
PoLR Master:
the creation of a latent energy is observed as an immediately apparent aspect
of reality.
PoLR Slave:
a latent energy is released into the flow of time whose presence is immediately
Suggestive Master:
the presence of latent energies are observed, although their sources are
Suggestive Slave:
a latent energy is released of uncertain character.
Estimative Master:
a latent energy is created within an object or objects whose nature is poorly
Estimative Slave:
a latent energy is released from within an object or objects; its nature is
poorly understood.
Personal Knowledge Master:
a latent energy is believed inherent to an object or objects.
Personal Knowledge Slave:
a latent energy is released into the flow of imaginary time; there may be
argument against its objective existence.
Determination Master:
a latent energy is created within an object or objects whose nature is
beyond dispute.
Determination Slave:
a latent energy is released into the flow of time; its nature is beyond dispute.
EDIT 04/16/07: Added psychic interaction model and made numerous corrections