Hello, I would like any input possible about esfj males in love. I am an INTJ female who has incountered an esfj male online. He lives 4600 miles away and I'd like to know more about esfj males. He seems to have taken a great deal of interest in me over the past few months and has expressed the idea of a marriage several times. He is in his early 20's and has expressed a desire to come work/ live where I am. I've heard that esfj males tend to like to sow there wild oats before marriage, and I'm wondering if I may be part of that stage in his life. He's very nice, but the situation is perplexing. I must admit that I find these ideas intrusive and a threat to my oun goals and independence, though I do enjoy interacting with him. I wish to remain independant and his wish seems for me to become dependant on him, though I have no wish to do so. I know that this information would hurt him greatly and I have no wish to do that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.