I have observed that a lot of people do.
I have observed that a lot of people do.
ESI is fuckin hellspawn! and yes i'm scared....
IEI - the nasty kind...
Not really ...
I do not find them intimidating and get along quite well with most. Thank god. I have observed what happens when you offend one. They’re like one of those killer whales who can still remember who harpooned it thirty years later.
IEI subtype
Not really....if I was intimidated by one, they would probably be female.
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
We all know FDG's not.
They come across as scared people to me, most of the time. But I understand them now, so I can see through their agitation, most of the time.
Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.
~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.
The only personality traits I "fear" are the ones which develop group mentality, who forgo logic for tradition, who supplant reason for morality etc.
So... by themselves... meh. As a group.... scary.
When in that sort of company I feel like I am a witch in the inquisition. Nooooooo the Earth orbits the Sun!~!!!!!
/ ILE - E(NT)p? 7w8 so/sx
What does this have to do with the topic?Originally Posted by oakey
they are my favorite
What a great replacement for a nany
It... doesn't???Originally Posted by discojoe
Fear ~= intimidation...
I don't fear any type as individuals, though I think as a group some types are capable of becoming banner-wavers for the "common good".
/ ILE - E(NT)p? 7w8 so/sx
Intimidation can mean that someone makes you feel uncomfortable or whatever, not necessarily afraid.
In the pure intimidation department i'd say not, unless I am being forced to make an emotional investiture in something I am not comfortable with.Originally Posted by Joy
Used to be a bit intimidated in social situations with beautiful girls, but meh I work with so many of them i don't care about so its not a big deal.
Beyond that my superiority complex prevents me from being intimidated often (:
/ ILE - E(NT)p? 7w8 so/sx
I don't find ISFjs intimidating at all; I feel relaxed when in their presence. Every single person in the entire multiverse should be an ISFj.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
It's actually true! The only intimidating ones are the old ladies that look at you like you are a sinner. I can understand that they have their good reasons to look at me like that! But...ok, I don't know what to say.Originally Posted by discojoe
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
The main thing I can get intimidated (usually momentarily or just for a small period of time because it isn't logical to be intimidated) by is people who seem to be....powerful/smart/intelligent and seem to have everything together. And it's mainly because I admire them, and don't want them to...attack? me for being a bum...WHICH IM NOT!!! I just feel like they think I am....hehheh I don't know.
So really, any type could intimidate me.
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
i had the displeasure of having to work with a ESI last semester. i felt useless and vulnerable in that group. a weird feeling for somebody who's used to be a leader. i felt like the dude was an all seeing eye who could pinpoint all my sins an weak spots. the worst was that all my creativity was dead. it couldn't grow with those people. anyway, i went along with it not to make waves. i didn't want a bad reputation. to be branded a scarlet letter. 'cause i knew that ESI would have a field day with me. i was defintely intimidated. but not vanquished.
not everybody can hold a camera steady. they are quite heavy and cumbersome. but i've got strong weightlifting arms so it's no problem for me. this semester, the ESI thought he had something most other groups didn't. shit, they dubbed me the man of steel. unfortunately for his abusive supervising ass, i changed groups. when they asked me to come back with them, i simply said no (with a coke and a smile). now, he's my nemesis. now, he can witness the full extent of my creativity. and be jealous about it.
IEI - the nasty kind...
All IF's scare me. I always get the silent judging vibe.
ditto. i wish there were more people around who were that calm.Originally Posted by Expat
however, i also see what jessica is saying. i'm not especially fond of IFs in general.
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
I'm fond of Maria...
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
I thought along the same line before. Before I encountered Socionics, I felt that in an ideal world, every guy should be an ESTj and every woman should be an ISFj. Come to think of it, it would have been disastrous.Originally Posted by Expat
I don't find ISFj's intimidating; I find them* fun to be around except when they get all bossy and assertive. Then I just feel sulky and sorry for myself.
*By them, I mean the one I know.
that is what i was getting at. if there is an inescapable appropriation that is required in the act of understanding, this brings into question the validity of socionics in describing what is real, and hence stubborn contradictions that continue to plague me.
I don't find them intimidating. I rather think of them as being quite plain.
[] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)
You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life. - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.
Tired of being an ENTj, Expat? Time for a type change? If I only knew how Smilex does it ...Originally Posted by Expat
No, I meant everyone else except me.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Yeah often see a bit of surface fear / agitation UDP talked about in them. As their supervisor i suppose its unlikely they would intimidate me. My mum is one and shes awesome! Calm and Kind.
ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin
I know people who can possibly be ISFj. ( acc ; pro )
They can be friendly, but element can make them somewhat assertive, or in certain cases agressive.
For example, my father is possibly a cp6-ISFj ; he tends to be really reckless and capricious, or agressive when his desires not met.
My sister, probably 4-ISFj, is a friendly, modest woman, but his can make her excessively relativistic; In times I insulted her of "progressive hippie", insult which she took somewhat kindly... Socionics taught me that being a F-type is not a weakness, but only a difference.
I think agressivity in ISFj-types is related to information element, but also in belonging to some enneagram categories, especially 6 and 8 ; it can be also related to the RED vMeme.
I didn't think they existed but recently I met an ISFj-4. I related with them much much better than ISFj-6 because of what you said.Originally Posted by machintruc
Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit
I don't think being a supervisor to a type has anything to do with being intimidated by them, generally.
I love ESI.
yeah, i have seen this happen because it comes up in arguments and then i feel evil about it. ):Originally Posted by Diana
they don't strike me as "scared" as much as cautious. the one i hung out with recently, i just got the impression that she was almost always cool f you do what you say you are going to do and are honest, etc. she was also really good at pointing out flaws in things like this new house that was being built. i don't know. extremely intelligent, well traveled, cultured woman. i find them to be really super respectable women who really really give a damn about their families? which is rare. and calming, yes. <3
6w5 sx
model Φ: -+0
sloan - rcuei
The thing about ISFjs is that if they decide something is wrong or right, it's very difficult to change their mind. They also take a while to change their mind about how they see a person's traits (irresponsible, weak, selfish, whatever). I could see this trait making others feel like they need to watch themselves around ISFjs because they don't want to be associated with their mistakes for the next five years, even if they didn't actually do anything wrong from their perspective (but the ISFj believed they did).
But they change their minds easilyOriginally Posted by Joy
sociotype ISFj is correlated with enneatype 6 ; a type-6 (either phobic or cp) tends to change his mind mainly to avoid being deviant. I can be wrong, but I think as it is hard to change the mind of a milieu attended by a type-6, it would be hard to change the mind of the type-6 individual[s] too.
I don't believe enneagram matches up to socionics types so cleanly. And I dislike enneagram to begin with.
I dislike enneagram too, because it is an esoteric thing and I'm catholic ; so I take it distantly.Originally Posted by Joy
A theorist said that enneagram types are related to neurochemical levels. But as there are more or less 6.25% of each sociotype, in all enneatypes combined ; there are not 6.25% of each sociotype, on each enneatype. I mean, there are correlations.
mainly :
E-I correlates with 7, 3, 2, 8, 1, 6, 4, 9, 5
T-F correlates with 5, 1, 8, 3, 7, 9, 6, 2, 4
but these are correlations, because introvert Sevens and logic Fours exist.
This being the case, why do you feel it is useful to use enneagram types to describe or predict the behavior of socionics types? I don't know enough about enneagram to say whether or not ISFj fits 6, but even if many ISFjs did, there would be a lot who don't. Just like there are ISTps who aren't plumbers or electricians and ENFjs who aren't evil dictators. Keep in mind that socionics is just the way we metabolize information. Two very different people can be the same socionics type.
I'm curious, is there anyone who would disagree with what I said about ISFjs and changing their minds based on socionics theory?