Quote Originally Posted by IcEPiCK
ISTPs dont need to make a mental note, think of it as a recorder on all the time. The important is automatically sorted based on what stood out and was most stimulating in the environment. The reliving thing I can some what relate.
Sorry, that's what I meant. In hindsight, I realize that I do this which is realted to being an Introverted Sensing type. Not that I think, "OK, I'm going to remember this..." but I have a pretty good memory for things that stand out. The diffrence between the right word and the almost right word is about the same as the diffrence between "butter" and "butterfly".

Blaming sounds very ESTJish. I was more of a delinquent in school, photocopying washroom passes and such. Screaming kids/babies usually are in need of attention, it could be a more extroverted sign.

To be perfect, ESTJ... Still when I saw your pic, which I think you removed now??? You didnt look ESTJ. You didnt look very ISTP either though (at first I thought a bit but I checked again...). Yes I am very skeptical... Quite a few types, including ESTJs can be mistrustful though.
No, I didn't remove it, but I will post more once I get my camera back.

I look for practicality in everything. The check up on it, supervision and control thing sounds very ESTJish once again...
I know, that's super Te and Te came out my strongest function on McNew's test. However, one of the reason's I don't think I'm ESTJ is because the descriptions for Js don't descibe me at all. That was even my problem when taking one of Hugo's test; there were too many specific ESTJ descripitons in the choice, which is why I picked ESFP.

You sound like you have a desire to be perfect, to never smell... ISTPs arent as self conscious about appearance and the like. We can let ourselves go quite easy if there is no social interaction required.
I just HATE to feel dirty. I do get lazy when I don't have any where to go, but if I feel sweaty or dirty or something I have to change.

Most ISTPs would shun touch no matter what, unless it was from someone very very close.
I get annoyed even when my own Dad tries to touch me on the shoulder. I think he finds it funny that I'm so sensitive to it.

You still seem more ENTP to me, but rMcNew says otherwise. Have you ever considered you might be feeling and just deny it?
Yes, that's why I started the "Is Rocky an ESFP " thread. :wink: But I don't think I'm a feeler. Maybe I'm the 17th type, some sort of gentic mutation or something.