While I was reading Dichotomic descriptions of types v2.0, it occurred to me that marmalade fits abstract acc-Ni:
While concrete acc-Ni is a better depiction of my general behaviour:Gulenko: the intuition of the time In its behavior it is guided by intuitive presentiments. Because of this quality it is capable to survive in most difficult situation, since rapidly are distinguished artificiality, falsity, hypocrisy, degradation. It freely manages both its and strange time. It always acts in the manner that as if he has reserve of time. It puts aside much for tomorrow. Large dreamer and lyric nature. The pictures, which to it sketches the imagination, bright and bright, are much more attractive than everyday life. It believes in good future. It calms down people, moving in them hope by phrases about the fast changes to the best. Does not concentrate its attention in the errors of the past.
Though I identify with abstract cre-Ni most of all:Gulenko: the intuition of the time Keenly observes after the flow of life. It thinly notices details and hardly the planned tendencies. It explains, what reasons led to the existing consequences. It is submerged in the past, the repetitive phenomena are studied. Because of the associatively organized memory and the love for the knowledge he is frequently scholar. Contradictions and actual errors in positions and opinions are revealed well. Possessing a philosophical turn of mind, it knows how to produce the impression of wise and man of vision. It is careful in decision making. It proceeds from the fact that it is necessary to slightly anticipate events. The safe version of actions is always selected.
What are the implications of this? Are there any other articles that explain the abstract and concrete forms and their differences?Abstract form:
Gulenko:He has a good understanding the the development of situation in time. Sensing danger ---gotovigsya to it previously - thinks over the fallback positions. He warns people about the danger threatening to them. Men constantly koleblyushchiysya and being doubted. To it it is to not easy accept decision of major importance. However, after decision is made, no longer it will think over and will not turn back. Its world view in the course of time can be changed for diametrically contrary. It is internally very contradictory. Recovers falsity and nonconformity between the words and the real behavior of people. It is usually interested in the themes, connected with the fate and other mysterious phenomena. It loves to seclude and to reflect about the sense of life, the past and the future. All problems are examined from a global, philosophical point of view. ---