Hello everyone!

I've been interested in MBTI for a few years. In my diverse studies of typology, I've occasionally perused the various Socionics sites. Posting on forums is a new thing for me. I had posted some over at Socionix. I was trying to figure out where I fit in Socionics. I originally related more to the INFj descriptions that I read than the INFp ones, but none of them fit me well.

Someone there recommended the Filatova descriptions. Filatova's INFp was as accurate as most MBTI INFP descriptions. The only thing that didn't fit was the dressing well. I'm more of a casual and careless dresser along the lines of many MBTI INFPs.

Someone told me that they were a Ni subtype of INFp, and I think I might be the same. I don't fit the Fe subtype. I've got much more of a analytical streak to me.

I seem much more analytical than most MBTI INFPs also. I speculated this is b/c my dad is an MBTI ENTJ and influenced me greatly on the intellectual level. I learned to argue well from him.

I'll throw out a few questions:

Anyone else that started w/ MBTI before studying Socionics?

Anyone else fit both INFP and INFp?

Are any of you Ni subtypes of INFp or do you know this subtype well?

What are the fundamental differences b/t the Ni and Fe subtypes of INFp?