OK, this is probably one of the daftest threads I've ever started, and utterly useless to anyone but the most geeky of xNTx's, but I'd still like to share this with the scarce few that might find it interesting.
Prototype map of the human psyche:
Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Ni -> Te -> Si -> Fe -> Ni
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Fi -> Ne -> Ti -> Se -> Fi
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Si -> Fe -> Ni -> Te -> Si
^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Ti -> Se -> Fi -> Ne -> Ti
Vertical lines: Field, Object
Horizontal lines: Static, Dynamic
Diagonal lines, raising to the right, respectively:
Ti-Fe, Beta, Se-Ni, Gamma, Fi-Te, Delta, Ne-Si, Alpha, etc.
Diagonal lines, falling to the right, respectively:
Thinking, process, Sensation, result, Feeling, process, Intuition, result
The model shows the relative positioning of the psychological functions and the direction of transitional movements between them. The arrows denote the 'concretizing' transitions. Movements running counter to the arrows are called 'abstracting'. Concretizing: T > S > F > N. Abstracting: T > N > F > S.
The model allows us to study certain phenomena related to the positioning and flow of the functions. Take for example the dual-function axes. Movement from one dual function to another is both an abstracting movement in both dimensions, and a concretizing movement in both dimensions at the same time. It can be seen as a form of psychological two-way communication.
Yeah it's called a prototype. I'm still exploring this thing's potential and am not entirely certain of it's workability yet. Don't make the mistake of thinking I just arbitrarily made this one up though... Everything in the model is implied by the material. I am just pointing out it's existence.