Intuitive-Logical Introvert –
ILI – INTp – Balzac (Critic)
Installation of the consciousness of the leading bloc: the ILI’s world is finite, fluid, manifold, and in a continuously varying state. The goal of man is to find his place in the continuous row of events, to realize his potential. To act makes sense only if the optimal moment, for such an action, has been determined.
Descriptions of the activity of the strong functions:
Ni – program function. The consciousness of any introvert always works with internally constructed imaginary models. The external world, for the ILI, serves merely to jolt the onset of internal states. The intuition of time allows him to successfully model such temporary processes.
The consciousness of the ILI easily encompasses countless moments in time. It dynamically views the world, and all the processes, which occur in it, in a complete and systematic fashion. His ability for mental mobility, by traversing the time axis, permits him to see distant prospects, and consequently few can be compared to him in the realm of strategic forecasts.
The imagination, of the ILI, takes in the dynamics of the world – within it everything is in motion, he movies, he interacts, people work, display behaviours, and at the foundation of all these, amongst other, things there lies a reason. He easily appears to model the behaviour of people, examining what he can predict in the future as consequence of the aftereffects of activities that people complete in the present. Possessing the gift of foresight he often already knows what he is going to say or do prior to the definite situation – frequently it seems that he knows, and sees straight through, everything (and in a certain sense this is correct).
The ability to penetrate right to the essence of a problem and to see the eventual result represents the nature of enlightenment. Indeed the ILI will sometimes, in speaking, cite wise historical figures and philosophers. His forecasts, as a rule, are painted with skepticism, thus he primarily voices his fears when necessary (i.e. to safeguard those close to him from acting rashly). He himself repeatedly, and scrupulously, checks on everything before beginning to act. He addresses those, whose activities or thoughts are made too hastily (not thought thoroughly through), of his critical observations.
One of the principal attributes of the ILI is his pride, connected with his self assertion. Frequently he obtains happiness in observing abilities unfounded in others, which come naturally to him. Many of his mental abilities are relatively superior to others. I.E. People with this psycho-type often have a splendid memory. He puts to use his powerful base of knowledge to identify the source of a question and to comprehend all facets of problems. Individuals of this psycho-type seem encyclopedically formed. However, also characteristic of them, is that they harbour conservative qualities relating with their distrust of anything new, which has not survived sufficient criticism or any sort of process with an unknown conclusion.
His tendency to feel himself significant does not, in any way, mean that he will attempt to find a higher placement/status in society. He rather prefers to raise himself as high as possible in the field of knowledge. Such represents a deeper degree of insight and through this he is able to feel superior to others.
Te – the function of the program’s implementation. ILI knows how to obtain a bird’s eye view, from above, on the dynamics of an ongoing process. His aim is to guide these dynamics towards their practical realization. Once he has predicted the eventual result he awaits the “right moment” to act and will not do anything until such a moment arrives (will never undertake useless work). After he’s aware of the real prospects he moves in to action.
His ability to recognize the whole of something sometimes leads ILI to multiple solutions for the same problem. Thus, now and again, he finds it difficult to give preference to one thing over another. He does not like being hurried, he waits for a problem to “mature” and his opinions to be incorporated into the big picture of things, which is already present in his imagination. In ILI is characteristic a certain reservation; he tries to leave enough room for possible corrective measure to be taken in the future.
ILI’s fitness for work is exceptionally selective. If he finds the proper career he can immediately display remarkable energy and fantastic fitness in his tasks. His life can be a continuum of sleepless nights and states of extreme stress, which last for months or even years. Naturally works in solid and pedantic manner.
On the other hand if he fails finding the right job/career then his skepticism begins to take over as he asks himself, “Why is all of this necessary? Nothing good can come of this…” He cannot even force himself to meet the bare minimum expectations, and may lead to serious repercussions such as being dismissed from work or dropping out of college/university… In such cases he feels helpless to do anything and irrationality leaves him at difficulty even to meet the minimum needs for survival.
Description of activity of the weak functions:
Fe – the weakest function. Being weakly orientated in the area of emotions, ILI prefers to hide his feelings. However, if strongly afflicted his emotionality can literally lash out, he may lose control of himself. In order to protect himself from such situations ILI prefers to maintain a distant psychological distance. Familiarity irritates him, he adheres to a steady and logical manner of interaction.
ILI often compensates for his weak emotional involvement, in interactions with others, through intellectual games. His goal with such games is similar to that of checkers: to win, show his competence, and to demonstrate another’s mistakes . ILI is a master of games; he loves to play with people and events.
He finds true enjoyment in the consciousness of his intellectual superiority and will not let pass the possibility of directly or indirectly expressing this. Even should his level of education seem to defer him from such expression he will, nonetheless, satisfy his silent vanity.
He feels confident among only a select few, to which he is open and sincere. His kindness, now and again, is astonishing, and he’ll display generousity to such a degree as to offer another something that could be deemed essential to him. Most people, however, will always treat him in a neutral manner (symbolizes the weak function).
Si – the normative function. In all matters regarding questions of health, aesthetics, lifestyle, and clothing, ILI appears modest and does not beyond the necessary. He understands such facets poorly and so prefers to obtain information on them from [in his opinion] competent sources. In such spheres – for example, his private life – he may appear hopeless enough to incite concern in others. If he falls ill he is able to strictly observer his physician’s instructions and scrupulously follow a regimen in diet/medicine etc.
His inherent strengths frequently manifest a bi-polar nature: some individuals of this psycho-type develop an enviable sense of purpose and perseverance, while others on the contrary demonstrate complete inertia. In conclusion, it must be said that, for ILI, the proper job/career is especially important to find or his innate talents will be utterly wasted.
ILI at work and in the home:
Although ILI clearly does not strive to be a leader, his latent vanity satisfies itself if he becomes one for he considers himself competent of heading a laboratory, institute, university… even the ministry and state. This assurance is sometimes totally valid as it is based on his ability to think strategically, which is undoubtedly the most important quality for a manager of any rank.
With subordinates ILI prefers a logical style of contact, he knows well how to distinguish the abilities of one coworker over the other and put such knowledge to use. However, he is not always confident in entrusting subordinates with work. He is inclined to check over everything and is not reconciled with the though that another can work better than himself.
ILI is representative of a good family man. He prefers not to quarrel with family and is willing to go as far as it takes to get away from conflict, even if his partner becomes intolerant. However, in a critical situation he is capable of “exploding,” losing control of himself, manifesting a state of literal madness – in such times he may resort to physical violence on his surroundings.
He is exceptionally thoughtful in regards to his children and especially cares about their development. He does not ignore their pleas for money/resources. On the other hand, in terms of lifestyle and health he remains completely dependent on his significant other.
Summary of Functions:
1. Ni – Dynamically comprehends all worldly processes. Ability to traverse the time axis permits them to see distant prospects. Skeptical and critical. When confronted by a situation they know how to select from a set of variants, oriented towards the distant prospect.
2. Te – Fitness for work is exceptionally selective. If they find an appropriate job they work without tiring, indeed are difficult to stop. Knows how to find the principal team needed to unwind a chain of events. A meticulous and scrupulous pedant, knows how to separate information within a system.
3. Fe – Tries not to act emotionally since he is not confident that he can always control his feelings. When he does lose control his behaviour towards others, and himself, is unpredictable. With close people prefers to associate at a close psychological distance, tries to be polite, to develop relations over time; however, does not always succeed for is capable of offending others without noticing.
4. Si – He feels well in a comfortable and cozy home but is unwilling to spend the necessary time and resources to create such himself and so prefers if another would take this responsibility. Sometimes difficult to mobilize himself to carry out necessary activities, appears as if paralyzed, and in such cases external interference proves useful in helping him “untwist”.
Professional Possibilities:
ILI is wonderfully at home anywhere where strategic forecasts are required – in policy, finances, science, military research. Can lead a group of any scale, particularly with the assistance of a sensory type. Also develop a taste toward humanitarian areas – i.e. philosophy, art.
Potentially Favourable:
Potentially Adverse: