Last edited by tereg; 05-07-2010 at 09:08 PM. Reason: Edited by user request
I agree with Rmcnew.
Well I am back. How's everyone? Don't have as much time now, but glad to see some of the old gang are still here.
He's not very good for typing. Also, Harrison Ford's type sort of "contaminates" him.
Overall I'd say ESTj.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Gamma or Delta: in one of his main two functions. As he says at one point, he values archaeology because it is the search for fact and not truth. And then says that if his students are interested in truth they should look into philosophy instead.
My Guess:
Johari Box"Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
my first guess is also ESTJ...
@dio & mcnew: why'd u think entp?
First thought - ESTj. ESTp was an option for a short while - travelling and seeking adventure. ENTp never even crossed my mind.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Now I don't know what an ESTj is.
My first thought was ISTp.
Yeah i would say ISTp. I suppose i can also see ESTj
I love the Indiana Jones movies
ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)
"And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin
Why, what's so non-ESTj about him in your opinion?Originally Posted by eunice
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Hmmm.....I guess I always associate someone extremely adventurous and not wanting to be tied down to a stable job as ISTp, which I admit is kind of biased.Originally Posted by Expat
He does have a stable job, he's an archaelogy professor.
And yes, that image of ISTps is not very correct anyway.
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
An awesome type.
SEE Unknown Subtype
6w7 sx/so
[21:29] hitta: idealism is just the gap between the thought of death
[21:29] hitta: and not dying
All the ISTps I know have stable jobs. They dream of less boundaries, but they don't to anything about it. Indiana Jones would be ISTp if his travelling had more to do with external circumstances. It seems to me he actively gets himself into these situations - proactive over easy-going.
EIE, ENFj, intuitive subtype.
E3 (probably 3w4)
Cool ILI hubbys are better than LSIs any time!
Old blog: http://firsttimeinusa.blogspot.com/
New blog: http://having-a-kid.blogspot.com/
Which is...Originally Posted by Expat
Improving your happiness and changing your personality for the better
Jungian theory is not grounded in empirical data (pdf file)
The case against type dynamics (pdf file)
Cautionary comments regarding the MBTI (pdf file)
Reinterpreting the MBTI via the five-factor model (pdf file)
Do the Big Five personality traits interact to predict life outcomes? (pdf file)
The Big Five personality test outperformed the Jungian and Enneagram test in predicting life outcomes
Evidence of correlations between human partners based on systematic reviews and meta-analyses of traits
ISTp.Originally Posted by thehotelambush
Johari Box"Alpha Quadra subforum. You will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. We must be cautious." ~Obi-Wan Kenobi
I learn new things about ESTjs everyday. It shows how much I underestimated them previously as been too career-minded and preoccupied with work 24/7.
This caricature applies better to ENTjs and to ENFjs of the Enneagram 3 sort.Originally Posted by eunice
, LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
Originally Posted by implied
Job-oriented, not career-oriented. We get the job done because someone has to. The consequences or the big picture are secondary.
First eliminate every possible source of error. Thence success is inevitable.
People reckon Jones is an SLI. I think the young Jones has an LIE flair about him. I think the older Indie is an LIE too. He probably takes after his father, who I think is Gamma NT.
You say Brody's a 'bumbling colleague'. I disagree. I actually like the fact that he's not a complete idiot like half the other shitty sidekicks in all the other adventure flicks. I don't know his type though. Perhaps he's a Delta ST.
Sallah I think is an Alpha. Bundle of Fe he is.
Elsa's probably, I dunno, LSI? The other Nazi is probably an LSI too, hahaha.
The rest I can't remember.
I just saw this and I think:
Indiana is ISTp
evil military chick is ENTp
the evil military guy is ISTj
Mary is ENFp
the young guy 50's greaser is ENFp.
No one spoil the ending (or middle) for those who haven't watched it!!
Agree? Disagree?
Last edited by jewels; 06-02-2008 at 03:32 AM.
Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)
Haven't seen it yet, but really want to. Maybe I'll go sometime this week.
gay sex
Last edited by istpunk; 07-17-2008 at 08:33 AM.
I wonder why these directors feel such a need to ruin these movie franchises.
...Do they really need money that badly?
"Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."
- Voltaire
i think Indiana Jones is ESTp. But the actor is ISTp. maybe that's why he appears ISTp?
Indiana Jones has much Te, movie has many effects, plot has much suck.
Moonlight will fall
Winter will end
Harvest will come
Your heart will mend
Holy shit, I've never seen so many fucked up opinions in one thread.
A military commander EII? '50s greaser Delta?
Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.
~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.
Last edited by Suomea; 09-27-2008 at 10:38 PM.
I think Ne is pretty obvious in Super Id.
[] | NP | 3[6w5]8 so/sp | Type thread | My typing of forum members | Johari (Strengths) | Nohari (Weaknesses)
You know what? You're an individual, and that makes people nervous. And it's gonna keep making people nervous for the rest of your life. - Ole Golly from Harriet, the spy.
Indiana Jones is ITSp
If you disagree I will cut off your wee
Last edited by marooned; 07-29-2008 at 05:36 PM.
Loki gets an 'A'.
Moonlight will fall
Winter will end
Harvest will come
Your heart will mend
Thanks for not ruining it
Last edited by IcEPiCk; 06-25-2008 at 04:00 AM.
gay sex
Last edited by istpunk; 07-17-2008 at 08:27 AM.