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haha, He's the Dual of your dreams and you already know it, go talk to him. :wink:
It's just not my style to make the first move. I prefer to be approached. :wink:
Anyway, I was thrown off by the fact that he described himself as been a relatively private person and not liking to be the center of attention, and been self-conscious about the way he presents himself. Perhaps I have a stereotypical view about Extraverts, but the descriptions remind me of an Introvert instead.
He portrayed himself as a really nice guy. For example, my ENTj friend who was in the same project group as him told me and another friend that they had an ISTp guy in their group who was friggin' lazy and frequently skipped group meetings, but he contributed quite a number of useful ideas for the group project as well. When he's not around, they'd complain about the guy. However, everyone, except the guy (the guy I'd like to know better. Let's call him Mr. A.), considered informing the prof to get him off the group 'cos Mr. A respected him for his ideas even though he didn't like his laziness.
During a meeting when the ISTp was present, an ESTp in the group confronted him and told him how much they didn't like him and how they really felt about him and telling him what each member had commented about him.
My ENTj friend appreciated the gesture, but Mr. A was clearly pissed off and told the ESTp that he didn't need the ESTp to help him do the talking and he looked clearly embarassed.
Anyway, after the whole project ended, my ENTj friend didn't contact the ISTp anymore 'cos he thought that he was an a**hole (other things happened besides the laziness, which I won't elaborate here.) and he wished that he would "just go and die".
Apparently, Mr. A is rather forgiving and still talks to and hangs out with the ISTp every now and then.
Are all these characteristics of LSE?