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Thread: this guy in my college class

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    eunice's Avatar
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    Default this guy in my college class

    I used to be in the same class as this guy and he's very different from any guys I have encountered so far. I wanted to get to know him better but too bad we were in different project groups then, so I didn't get a chance to talk to him. Anyway, he used to be in the same junior college as one friend of mine, so these were all I gathered about him:

    -Valedictorian in junior college. Involved in the school track and field team.

    -Currently doing a computer science degree. Aims to go to law school upon graduation to be a lawyer.

    -Actively involved in volunteering for non-profit organizations and love working with kids. Enjoys boxing, ultimate fighting (whatever that is ), Monopoly, biking, football, hiking and surfing during his free time.

    -He's extremely concerned about contributing to society and his community and been a good example (he's a foreigner btw). Likes to join activities that are meaningful and impactful that are important to him and the community at large. Wants to make a difference. Hates to be stereotyped based on his ethnicity and sets out to debunk the stereotype and be the role model for others similar to him.

    -Likes to discuss about politics and very much believes in public service.

    -Describes himself as idealistic, compassionate and ambitious.

    -Dresses simply i.e. T-shirt, jeans, cap. Looks down-to-earth.

    -A friend made fun of him saying that he walks in a rigid manner, talks in a business-like way and has dry humor. People treated him as if he was the leader of the class even though he didn't intend to control or lead anyone. He's good at building coalitions and getting people to come to a consensus and finding common ground between people.

    -Loves to work in groups and getting people's consensus before he makes any decision to be sure that everyone is comfortable with the decision.

    -Doesn't like attention and don't crave the spotlight. Makes him uncomfortable. Can be considered self-conscious. Hates to hear his own recorded voice and seeing him filmed (we had to be filmed during our group presentation. ). He mentioned that he's a relatively private person. Prefer to work more behind the scene if possible.

    -can be competitive, aggressive, straightforward and critical of lazy people or people who have fun all the time and didn't set right their priorities in life.

    -He always wrote the best essays in class and was often praised by the prof. When analyzing case studies in class, the way he analyzed it is as if he was playing chess. Very intelligent and strategic.

    -My friend told me that close friends of his regard him as a loyal, nice, polite and sincere person. However, people who don't know him well will think that he's trying to control them or be the leader.

    -Doesn't have a girlfriend. He's looking for a girl who is nice, has a good sense of humor, idealistic and "able to show him the beautiful side of life" (in his own words) (sounds like any IXFx to me). When he had one previously, it was said that he was caring and look after her needs really well.

    -Some people described him as a girl trapped in a guy's body. He understands ladies very well.

    -An absolute health nut. Has a strict diet and exercises regularly. Looks very fit and athletic (the "strong man" look)

    -Tactful with people.

    -Seldom watch TV. He enjoys to watch current affairs programme like 60 Minutes, and fantasy and sci-fic novels and drama serials.

    -Read magazines such as Time, Fortune, Business Week

    -Favorite music: Electronica, Trance

    What type do u think he is? I have considered LSE, LIE, LSI, and LII.

  2. #2

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    Umm.. A Delta extrovert I think.

  3. #3
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    Most probably LSE, slight possibility of LIE.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  4. #4
    eunice's Avatar
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    Another fact about this guy: he used to be part of the GEP (Gifted Education programme) in his schools before entering college.

    Is it true that students of such programmes are predominantly Intuitives? Anyway, I have this impression that even though LSEs are all-rounders in a school setting, they are still underrepresented in such programmes 'cos they achieve excellent results through consistent hard work rather than phenomenal intellectual skills which the LIEs possessed (I guessed it sounds kind of biased. Hope that it didn't offend any LSEs. Anyway, I hope that someone can prove me wrong. :wink: )

  5. #5
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Could be LSE, or LSI. Hard to tell between the two, honestly. There's something non-strange about him that makes me think he's not LIE. He sounds like somebody I'd fight with for leadership though, so the ExTx option is possibly more likely.

    Intelligence, not as much type related as we might think.
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    haha, He's the Dual of your dreams and you already know it, go talk to him. :wink:

  7. #7
    he died with a felafel
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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    haha, He's the Dual of your dreams and you already know it, go talk to him. :wink:

  8. #8
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Actually he sounds a bit more LIE-Te upon second thought. Ex:

    Loves to work in groups and getting people's consensus before he makes any decision to be sure that everyone is comfortable with the decision.
    If I had to find a defect to ESTjs is that they tend to...NOT do this. Kay, now go listen to some love song thinking about him
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    Actually on a second reading, yes, LIE-Te is a good possibility.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Anyway, I have this impression that even though LSEs are all-rounders in a school setting, they are still underrepresented in such programmes 'cos they achieve excellent results through consistent hard work rather than phenomenal intellectual skills which the LIEs possessed (I guessed it sounds kind of biased. Hope that it didn't offend any LSEs. Anyway, I hope that someone can prove me wrong. :wink: )
    there are LSEs who don't really work hard in schools too. although they can still impress people as being capable (with the way they carry themselves), they can be carefree to the extent of being satisfied as long as they could get passing grades for some classes. but i've to add that the appearance of capability is still important to these LSEs. so even if they may not put a lot of effort into a written group assignment, they will want to impress the audience in an oral presentation (where many people will be able to 'judge' them).

    argh, i am tired of asking people not to get angry. so no more disclaimer this time!

  11. #11

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    ILE. This guy's personality fits mine to a T, we even share most of the same interests. Don't let the exterior image of being "driven" throw you off. He's actually just "bored". If he were an LIE, he'd be pursuing things that made up a clear means to an end, not random stuff all over the place that happened to interest him.

  12. #12
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ncassidy
    ILE. This guy's personality fits mine to a T, we even share most of the same interests. Don't let the exterior image of being "driven" throw you off. He's actually just "bored". If he were an LIE, he'd be pursuing things that made up a clear means to an end, not random stuff all over the place that happened to interest him.
    I do relate to many things too, but would you say that the overall picture of this guy is the one of an ILE?
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by stefana
    there are LSEs who don't really work hard in schools too. although they can still impress people as being capable (with the way they carry themselves), they can be carefree to the extent of being satisfied as long as they could get passing grades for some classes. but i've to add that the appearance of capability is still important to these LSEs. so even if they may not put a lot of effort into a written group assignment, they will want to impress the audience in an oral presentation (where many people will be able to 'judge' them).

    argh, i am tired of asking people not to get angry. so no more disclaimer this time!
    This is just too
    -no disclaimer needed.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Loves to work in groups and getting people's consensus before he makes any decision to be sure that everyone is comfortable with the decision.
    If I had to find a defect to ESTjs is that they tend to...NOT do this. Kay, now go listen to some love song thinking about him
    Actually, I've taught myself to be quite political when it comes to issues like this. With some work these "defects" like this can be fixed, I'd say the same could be said about every type though...

  15. #15
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    Ya bro, just speaking from my experince. Glad to hear that it's not always like that!
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG
    Quote Originally Posted by ncassidy
    ILE. This guy's personality fits mine to a T, we even share most of the same interests. Don't let the exterior image of being "driven" throw you off. He's actually just "bored". If he were an LIE, he'd be pursuing things that made up a clear means to an end, not random stuff all over the place that happened to interest him.
    I do relate to many things too, but would you say that the overall picture of this guy is the one of an ILE?
    Yea, I do think so. I see a tendency to choose activities according to some governing principle in everyone I've typed as LIE or SLE. He has got all sorts of random stuff going in every direction, which I see in everyone I've typed as ILE and LSE.

    Anyways, it's just one possibility. It's also hard to type him because his intellectual capabilities are clearly up in the stratosphere.

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    haha, He's the Dual of your dreams and you already know it, go talk to him. :wink:
    It's just not my style to make the first move. I prefer to be approached. :wink:

    Anyway, I was thrown off by the fact that he described himself as been a relatively private person and not liking to be the center of attention, and been self-conscious about the way he presents himself. Perhaps I have a stereotypical view about Extraverts, but the descriptions remind me of an Introvert instead.

    He portrayed himself as a really nice guy. For example, my ENTj friend who was in the same project group as him told me and another friend that they had an ISTp guy in their group who was friggin' lazy and frequently skipped group meetings, but he contributed quite a number of useful ideas for the group project as well. When he's not around, they'd complain about the guy. However, everyone, except the guy (the guy I'd like to know better. Let's call him Mr. A.), considered informing the prof to get him off the group 'cos Mr. A respected him for his ideas even though he didn't like his laziness.

    During a meeting when the ISTp was present, an ESTp in the group confronted him and told him how much they didn't like him and how they really felt about him and telling him what each member had commented about him. My ENTj friend appreciated the gesture, but Mr. A was clearly pissed off and told the ESTp that he didn't need the ESTp to help him do the talking and he looked clearly embarassed.

    Anyway, after the whole project ended, my ENTj friend didn't contact the ISTp anymore 'cos he thought that he was an a**hole (other things happened besides the laziness, which I won't elaborate here.) and he wished that he would "just go and die". Apparently, Mr. A is rather forgiving and still talks to and hangs out with the ISTp every now and then.

    Are all these characteristics of LSE?

  18. #18

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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Quote Originally Posted by cracka
    haha, He's the Dual of your dreams and you already know it, go talk to him. :wink:
    It's just not my style to make the first move. I prefer to be approached. :wink:

    Anyway, I was thrown off by the fact that he described himself as been a relatively private person and not liking to be the center of attention, and been self-conscious about the way he presents himself. Perhaps I have a stereotypical view about Extraverts, but the descriptions remind me of an Introvert instead.

    He portrayed himself as a really nice guy. For example, my ENTj friend who was in the same project group as him told me and another friend that they had an ISTp guy in their group who was friggin' lazy and frequently skipped group meetings, but he contributed quite a number of useful ideas for the group project as well. When he's not around, they'd complain about the guy. However, everyone, except the guy (the guy I'd like to know better. Let's call him Mr. A.), considered informing the prof to get him off the group 'cos Mr. A respected him for his ideas even though he didn't like his laziness.

    During a meeting when the ISTp was present, an ESTp in the group confronted him and told him how much they didn't like him and how they really felt about him and telling him what each member had commented about him. My ENTj friend appreciated the gesture, but Mr. A was clearly pissed off and told the ESTp that he didn't need the ESTp to help him do the talking and he looked clearly embarassed.

    Anyway, after the whole project ended, my ENTj friend didn't contact the ISTp anymore 'cos he thought that he was an a**hole (other things happened besides the laziness, which I won't elaborate here.) and he wished that he would "just go and die". Apparently, Mr. A is rather forgiving and still talks to and hangs out with the ISTp every now and then.

    Are all these characteristics of LSE?
    I dunno. He kinda reminds me of myself.
    Maybe ncassidy was right about his interests being all over the place as an thing.
    And Delta extraverts being relatively private and not liking the spotlight all the time sounds pretty accurate.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Anyway, I was thrown off by the fact that he described himself as been a relatively private person and not liking to be the center of attention, and been self-conscious about the way he presents himself. Perhaps I have a stereotypical view about Extraverts, but the descriptions remind me of an Introvert instead.
    Yes you do have a stereotypical view of extroverts. Liking to be center of attention is due to valuing ; extroverts with role, ESTj and ENTj, won't particularly like it.

    Quote Originally Posted by eunice
    Are all these characteristics of LSE?
    They are certainly not anti-LSE and they sound rather Delta.
    , LIE, ENTj logical subtype, 8w9 sx/sp
    Quote Originally Posted by implied
    gah you're like the shittiest ENTj ever!

  20. #20
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    LSE sensory.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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