Quote Originally Posted by aka-kitsune
Quote Originally Posted by Jarno
the moth and the flame story...

well there's little you can do as socionics relations work out like the are described.

Just be happy to have your dual seeking function covered. not many people have experienced that situation.
"Dual-seeking" function...? May I ask what that means? (Kinda newbie to the advanced lingo) And why is this situation on the rare side?
The great part of semi duality is that it shares the half of dualism, namely the most developed function of your partner is your most weak uncounscious function. When getting aid in that specific area, you should feel: energized and complete trust.

This is a rare thing, because only semi duality and duality itself have this in common.

The bad thing is, semi duality hasn't got the other half of duality but instead a function which causes: discussions and misunderstandings.