Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post
Hmm...is that just when guys compliment you, or girls as well? I know my EII friend makes little derogatory remarks about her appearance randomly, and I always go 'no, don't say that! it's not true!' (because it isn't!) and I completely mean that, irregardless of what situation we're in/tone I'm using.

Unefille can attest to how I somehow end up always going on about how amazing an EII is when I'm around them, and it's completely not...um, planned. Or directed at getting something from them. I just, all the EIIs I know I think are incredible and I want to tell them that? Does this come across the wrong way/give another impression??
From guys and girls. Girls I may think they are trying to be nice/ but are really being fake because thats what girls do with each other a lot I have noticed.

No from my experiences with LSE it probably doesn't come across wrong or give another impression. Actually I think it is nice when an LSE says it because it seems so out of the blue when they do it. Like they actually noticed something real and are making a comment. They usually don't come across as fake or needing something from me. I still am skeptical though, or at least am like . . ."OK. . .I guess. If you say so." (confused) Because I cannot see it myself.

I guess this may be like when someone tells an LSE that they like them, because well they are a "nice" person. I have said this to more than one LSE and it seems like it has confused them. They seem to wonder why I would say such a thing. Sometimes if I am around an LSE I cannot help but tell them this because they are great people, with great moral character. It is very special and refreshing and it makes me want to point this out to them, because sometimes I don't think they can see it and get down on themselves.

Maybe we need to be told we are pretty and you guys need to be reminded that you are nice and very very likable/lovable. : )

PS LSE are very hot too!