Pic.s are welcomed. :wink: (I wonder do they look different from the ones with Te subtype? )
I realized that I don't know any ESTj IRL. I encountered all types of EXTxs except ESTjs, i.e. none of my friends or acquiantances are workaholics. I have this feeling that ESTjs can only be found at the peak of any organization, be it classes, clubs, companies etc. So I don't think I have the opportunity to meet them so far.
Description by Meged & Ovcharov:
Te-ESTj Appearance
The logical subtype seems impersonal, business-like, dry and correct in interaction. May look strict and unapproachable. Not inclined to make jokes, has a serious and constrained demeanor about him. Usually is not very talkative, but if his temper runs hot it's difficult to stop him. Direct and linear in behavior and conversation. Can be sharp and categorical in his judgments, due to which accumulates many problems of ethical nature. At another end of extreme, he may not say anything, but later build up grudges and hard feelings, and avoid interaction. Uncompromising and stubborn. Sometimes tries to predispose his conversation partner towards him by intimate tones in conversation. Does this if he himself is predisposed towards greater intimacy, or if he needs some kind of information or service. Mistrustful, secretive and suspicious. Dislikes talking about feelings. Prefers to engage himself in something useful, and to bring everything he undertakes to its completion. Constantly tense, finds it difficult to relax and discharge. He is predisposed towards sudden flashes of anger. Seems restrained in his movements.
A realist, who possesses clear logical thinking: he is able to assess any situation soberly and quickly. Enjoys order in everything. Easily makes his way through instructions and laws. Respects people who are competent, and himself strives to keep informed about everything. Relays information in form of concise, clear expressions, and demands the same clear and concrete answers from other people. Very pragmatic, evaluates actions of people not only in terms of their honesty and integrity, but also of expediency.
Has good management and organizational talents, but lacks in diplomacy and tact in relationships. Stubborn and inflexible, straightforward and artless, blunt and categorical in his statements. Because of this, he has a lot of ethical issues with other people, and few friends. Usually, he is certain of his own correctness and likes it when others listen to his advice. Finds it difficult to admit his own mistakes and go for concessions and compromises, even if this undermines his relationship with other people.
Capable of clearly assigning responsibilities and strictly and persistently checking upon their implementation. Doesn't go easy on anyone, shows a principled and intransigent attitude in this matter. Does not act on behalf of feelings, both his own and those of others. Constantly monitors the discipline and order. Due to his wish to accomplish more, he is not sufficiently attentive to convenience in the workplace. Negatively judges the lazy and the fantasists, dislikes tricksters and cheats. He is distinguished by a strong sense of duty and an extraordinary capacity for work. Very courageous and hardy. Dislikes talking about health, considering this to be pusillanimity and weakness.
Very punctual. Values time and does not like to waste it in vain. Tries to predict the outcome of a proposed project or course of action. Doesn't trust new ideas, prefers to not take risks in vain. Quite conservative in his tastes and habits. If his work is criticized by incompetent people, he can lose his temper and flare up. Doesn't tolerate when he is being hurried or distracted from work. Sometimes, striving for top quality in his work, and getting bogged down by details, he does not finish his job on time. Gets very upset over this, so tries to plan things in advance.
A good financier, who can rationally handle money. Economic, calculating, and prudent. He likes working with numbers and factual concrete information. Gravitates towards such areas of activity as statistics and planning. Loves stability, reliability, and thoroughness in everything. Prefers quality and practical use of things to their aesthetics and fashion. A good manager of his own household. Quick and adept in domestic matters.
Secretive, doesn't discuss his personal affairs with anyone. By nature sensitive and vulnerable, but prefers experience his grievances in silence. However, under certain moods he prefers to express all that has accumulated. Believes in honest relationships, but poorly understands the feelings of others, thus he is suspicious and cautious in the emotional sphere, and afraid of making mistakes. Avoids voicing compliments and praising others for good work. In his soul, he is sentimental, but tries to hide it. Finds it difficult to express his feelings. Considers excess emotions to be tedious and dislikes flattery. He believes that praises spoil people. His own attitudes he shows not in words but in actions and deeds. With outsiders he is restrained and polite, but with people who are close to him he is demanding and shows authoritativeness. A supporter of a strict upbringing.
Description by Victor Gulenko:
A good worker. Does not tolerate incompetence. Well erudite in his area of work or study. Very operational, sometimes over-works and wears himself out. Considers that only in this case he can also demand more from others. Can be sharp in his judgments. Usually formulates the task very clearly and directly. In the sphere of production, he demands high quality and responsibility for the product, likes to admire what has been made, emphasizes the advantage of his goods. Realizes himself well in conditions of a stable market - in logistics, in the army. Tries to unite in his own hands the whole cycle of production. In clothing he is conservative, his priorities are cleanliness, order and functionality.
Si-ESTj Appearance
The sensory subtype is characterized by stability and high capacity for work. Usually energetic, he cannot sit without some task or activity, and waste his time in vain. Interested in new technologies within his field of occupation or study, knows how to adapt them to his needs. Impulsive, perseverant, and pushy, knows how to passionately persuade his partner. Demanding and strict, but sometimes gives in to persuasions. Has a sense of humor. His speech is gusty and emotional. Often, one can see a predisposing although a bit strained smile on his face. Sometimes he makes attempts to shorten the personal distance by welcoming, friendly gestures - hugs, pats, light touches of his conversation partner. Holds himself uninhibitedly, relaxed and at ease. Constructive and energetic in participating in a discussion, makes jokes. Gourmand and aesthete. Likes expensive, high quality, beautiful things and dishes. Knows how to remove strain, sitting at the table with his friends. But does not allow himself to remain inactive and at rest for long. Usually has somewhat round body shape, inclined towards corpulence. His movements are gusty, abrupt, fast and impulsive. He is quite restless.
Energetically fights for the quality of done work. Constantly improves his own level of qualification, becoming a good specialist in his field. With interest listens to a variety of rationalization proposals, not averse to test them in practice, although he's more trusting of proven methods and technology. Ensures that the necessary instructions and conditions of work are followed and maintained. Likes to do much with his hands. Inventive and resourceful in practical matters.
Bold, decisive, operative and assertive. Possesses willpower and likes to work hard. Enthusiastically takes up implementation of his projects. Defends his interests with tenacity and passion, disregarding any authorities. A good organizer, for the people around him he can create the conditions for accurate, concerted work. Quickly orients in any situation, indispensable in extreme situations. Able to accurately make the right choice and can mobilize all others for carrying out the needed tasks.
Excitable and addictive personality. With his optimism tries to cheer up others, to activate and mobilize them for doing something. In the interest of his work or business knows how to manifest diplomatic skill: positively predisposes others with amiability, courteousness, wit and personal warmth. For achieving a goal, shows all different shades of emotion, up to aggression, but if he sees that others are not afraid of him, becomes polite and considerate.
Cannot stand uncertainty. Prolonged waits for some event weight him down. By nature he is impatient: dislikes delaying and postponing realization of undertaken decisions. Takes up assignments and tasks immediately, but if something goes wrong, may put it aside for a while, then come back to finish it. Emotional and gusty. Due to this, may show impulsiveness and recklessness in his actions and statements. Remembers his past mistakes and is not ashamed to talk about them. In any situation, does not lose his heart and spirit.
Aesthete: values beauty in any of its manifestations. Creates comfort and beautifully arranges his home. Dress with a sense of taste, although a bit strictly. Handles his personal belongings with great care, and loves it when things get put in their places. Polite and somewhat prudish in communication, although sometimes his sense of tact fails him. Adheres to established rules of interpersonal conduct, and requires the same from others. Strives for harmony in relationships with others. Feels unsettled and upset when he runs into differences in views and approaches to problem solving. He is much in need of approval of his actions and personal qualities. Impressionable and vulnerable. Poorly receives criticism, even if it's delivered in soft or joking manner.
Doesn't take his capabilities fully into account and often overloads himself with work, tiring and stressing himself out. Weighted down by routine. Seeks communication with new people and gravitates towards new impressions. Thus, periodically arranges holidays for himself, goes to visit his friends, or invites others to his home.
Attaches importance to beautiful decoration of a holiday table: high quality dishes silverware, with candles, music, and so on. Likes to have fun and to enjoy himself. Has a sense of humor. Enjoys being the center of attention. Tries to lift everyone's mood.
Strives towards making accurate assessments of the abilities and capabilities of other people, but this is given to him with difficulty, thus he often arrives at the wrong conclusions. Feels upset if he unjustly offends and undervalues another person. Sensitive and responsive to the misfortunes of others. Tends to take care of those who need his help. Tries to do something pleasant for his loved ones in form of surprises and gifts.
Description by Victor Gulenko:
The sensory subtype seems more relaxed, uninhibited, and flexible than the logical subtype. Usually sociable, emotional, and strives to make contact with other people. Hospitable, likes comfort, convenience, and coziness, leisure trips out to nature. Easily fulfills the roles of a technical director, manager, or distributor. Has a good sense for intermediate steps of development and production, trade and management.