Since I have started to write typographical descriptions, I am starting to see these weird trends ...
Like, when I was writting the ISFp description, I realized that ISFps act very similarly in their approach to people, as they do ENTps ... It seems they both can be sporatic in their approach towards people and may do thing to give others the wrong impression about how they feel about them. Actually, I am under the impression that the whole quandra [ENTp,ESFj,INTj,ISFp] is like this to a certain degree in their behaviours, so it may be in result of a shared value between the four of them.
The other odd thing I found was that ISFps as introverts tend to have large groups of friends and aquaintances, and an ENTp as an extrovert may only have a few close friends.
Another thing I have been theorizing about is how people begin developing their types as they grow older. I am under the impression that children tend to end up in the same quandra as their opposite sex parent.
For example, my mother is an ISFp [not an INFj, as I previously thought], and I am an ENTp; we share the same values and have some similar behaviours. My sister on the other hand, seems to relate more to the quandra that my father is in even though she did not spend her teenage years living with him.
Anyways, these are my thoughts ... comments?