Seems like we all share some similarities.
Like electric, I don't go clubbing as well. I don't enjoy dancing infront of strangers and I'm allergic to alcohol, so I guess I can't get much out of going there. :wink: Other Deltas I know don't really enjoy clubbing as well, albeit for other reasons. Anyway, I always perceive clubs as an ideal place for Betas.
Deltas seem to enjoy hanging out at cafes or pubs, just having a meal and chilling out, talking about people and interesting stuff, basically having deep conversations. Moreover, they also don't like bureaucracy. And all the types (except ESTjs) have not much interest in politics.
In terms of music, Deltas seem to like all types of music except mainstream hiphop. The Delta-STs love to listen to electronica, trance, progressive house and the likes, and the NFs love pop and alternative rock.
And all Delta-STs I know love boxing. Don't know why.